Example sentences of "[modal v] be make by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thorneycroft insisted , like Sandys before him over the TSR 2 , that economies should be made by the Navy and RAF using the same airframe for their future supersonic fighter , but he was equally unsuccessful : the requirements for the two environments were far too far apart .
2 If after the addition of the agent used , the pH is outside the limits 6–8 , then correction should be made by the addition of small amounts of alkali or acid at the same time as the flocculant. laboratory trials should always be made to ascertain the most effective dosing conditions for the water that is to be treated .
3 Besides , to be demanded of a sponge , what replication should be made by the son of a king ?
4 It was suggested that every effort should be made by the Centres to comply with the form required in order to establish the Centres as the major selling agency in Scotland .
5 When an aircraft design has evolved significantly , a critical assessment should be made by the certification authority in association with the manufacturer as to the validity of extrapolation of the original design data when applied to a developed aircraft variant .
6 A sharp note has come home informing me that the costume must be made by the child .
7 The ultimate decision must be made by the Chief Constable himself .
8 The universe must be made by the people .
9 In practice the situation is not quite so simple , and many measurements and checks must be made by the TL scientist , only a few of which will be mentioned here .
10 To meet local authority funding requirements , applications for course places must be made by the end of May to John Walton , the Inset unit , University of Teesside , Borough Road , Middlesbrough , tel ( 0642 ) 342386 or 342392 .
11 The Minister said that changes might be made by the trustees only with the approval of the Scottish Transport Group board and also with the approval of those voting at a meeting of members of the scheme .
12 The old workings which were flooded had first to be unwatered before connection could be made by the workings rising from Taylor 's Level below .
13 An informal discussion took place between the advocates with the clerk of the court as to the use that could be made by the justices of those statements and that medical report .
14 Its principal avowed aim was to give legislative form to the decision , contrary to the recommendation of the Law Commission , 46 and thereby allow the parties in these ‘ tragic cases ’ the dignity of a decree of nullity so that , if thought fit , provision for ancillary relief could be made by the court , and the unsavoury examination of their sexuality , rendered necessary if the only recourse were a declaration of status , could be avoided .
15 Chapman told them it was not a decision that could be made by the club .
16 At the outset , the plaintiff may be slow to contact a solicitor , negotiations for a settlement may drag on , the extent of the plaintiff 's injuries may not become clear until the end of a lengthy period of treatment , investigations may have to be carried out to ascertain the evidence , expert opinions may have to be obtained , communication and action by both sides may be poor and slow , the advice of counsel may be taken , pleadings are often extended , the length of time spent waiting for the trial to begin can be substantial , and errors may be made by the professionals involved .
17 By s. 4 of the 1986 Act a disqualification order may be made by the court in the course of winding up a company , if it appears that the person :
18 An order to transfer may be made by the court on its own motion , or on the application of any party on not less than two clear days ' notice ( Ord 16 , r 4(1) ) .
19 Flights are planned many months in advance , but alteration to these may be made by the IATA scheduling committee which regulates the movements of all international air traffic .
20 On retirement , a discretionary gift , varying in value according to length of continuous service , may be made by the Company to an employee .
21 Templates may be made by the teacher for outlines which are repeatedly used , e.g. the human body and its organs .
22 The principles for the making of a defendant 's costs order still apply , although it would be simpler for the court to achieve the same object in those cases by ordering that no contribution need be made by the defendant to his or her own costs .
23 No financial commitments would be made by the Institute and common standards of embalming would be insisted on which were acceptable to the Institute .
24 Samuel Pipkin was tensing himself for the coming life and death struggle this evening , when the vital decision would be made by the Prince of Wales , and Mr Thackeray would be avenged .
25 In this respect the operation was a failure ; Schwarzkopf made it clear that the air phase of the war would be continued until it had achieved its objectives , and that the timing and location of any land-based offensive would be in accordance with allied war plans and would be made by the US President .
26 The application would be made by the Head of the Security Services to either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of Defence .
27 The UK government reaffirmed that all appointments in Hong Kong up to 1997 would be made by the Governor after consultation with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary .
28 He believed some movement in the case would be made by the end of this month .
29 Separate accounts would be opened for the members of the party ( rooms 507–510 ) for any extra charges they would incur and settlement of these accounts would be made by the individuals .
30 Decisions on the use of nuclear weapons would be made by the President of the Russian Federation in consultation with the leaders of the other republics in which nuclear weapons were stationed — Ukraine , Byelarus and Kazakhstan — and with the leaders of other members of the CIS .
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