Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The SATs , it was argued , should be integrated into the curriculum as far as possible using a wide variety of practical tasks and observations .
2 Wherever appropriate , children with special educational needs should be integrated into the community .
3 His position was itself controversial since he argued that former Stasi members should be integrated into the police force and the Interior Ministry to avoid their becoming a potential terrorist threat .
4 There was also interruption circuits to prevent airframe structures being hit by an aircraft 's own gunfire but as there was always a round left in the breech , gunners were instructed that after prolonged firing the guns should be stowed into the slipstream until they cooled .
5 But what John was saying this morning , and I think it was n't with respect it did n't come over clearly to me , as clearly to me as I would have liked , and I was determined to point was , what John was saying , the transfer of that , if that 's capital , the transfer of that capital should be made into the wife 's account .
6 Saw cuts should be made into the curve , as illustrated .
7 The Press Complaints Commission should be turned into the Press Commission to reflect its wider role , say the MPs .
8 The Principal wrote in November 1967 that the only recourse was ‘ to ensure that every possible safeguard should be written into the constitution of such a scheme ’ , and following local negotiations he considered that ‘ we have gone as far as we are able so far to safeguard the courses and attitudes of this College and we have confidence that the LEA are making every effort to ensure that Diploma in Art and Design ( DipAD ) courses and developments will be given the fullest support , and will not be undermined in any way by the Polytechnic proposals ’ .
9 ‘ But what should happen is that the workflow should be built into the software so that it automatically decides what needs to be done , by whom and when , then sends it to the relevant person , noting the deadline , and recording outstanding requests . ’
10 As a result of the Pilot Study , it was decided to proceed with a seven day diary rather than a one day diary , but that a methodological component should be built into the Survey to monitor the quality of the data .
11 It could be argued , however , that if a PhD really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
12 It could be argued , however , that if a Ph D really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
13 Allowances for delays should be built into the schedule .
14 These should be built into the networking procedures .
15 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
16 Roper arrangements for the control and custody of the organization 's assets should be built into the organization structure .
17 When that happens , it is not a question of simply saying that money should be poured into the organisation as a remedy .
18 A wire ‘ balloon ’ should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and to keep out leaves and other debris .
19 A wire balloon should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and debris getting down the pipe
20 To prevent back-circulation , a non-return valve should be fitted into the pipe connected to the bottom of the solar panel .
21 The term " user-friendly " is often misused but related to software for use in schools , it should mean that pupils of different ability and reading levels should be able to understand instructions and where possible , help messages should be fitted into the program .
22 Genscher told a news conference that Germany believed that Albania should be accepted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) and the Council of Europe and should receive aid from the Group of 24 .
23 Following their general line of reasoning sociolinguists like Dines ( 1980 ) have suggested that the notion of the variable should be extended into the domain of pragmatics ( see further 7.7 ) .
24 According to an article in the paper 's journal , the Fascist Gazette , communists were ‘ wild beasts ’ whose ‘ hell 's spawn ’ should be pushed into the sea .
25 Compost should be pushed into the crevices and plants securely anchored until established .
26 er is this fair ? , was it Mr idea that it should be incorporated into the brochure or somebody elses ?
27 He asked for approval for having inaugurated the competition , but then said that if time would allow it , the War Office should be incorporated into the Downing Street scheme , particularly as the Pall Mall site was too small .
28 Each of the component parts of the restriction should be incorporated into the agreement in such a way that any provision which the court might feel goes beyond the bounds of reasonableness can be severed under the " blue pencil test " leaving the bulk of the desired restriction in full force .
29 All news and reports should be sent into the Office in writing — editing was sometimes necessary to either shorten/lengthen etc .
30 Nominations for the position , duly seconded and submitted with the approval of the proposed member , should be sent into the office by 14th February , 1980 .
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