Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 New ground should be cleared of perennial weed , removing deep roots of docks , thistles and bindweed .
2 The commissioner had statutory jurisdiction to decide whether the road verges should be registered as common land .
3 ‘ We will not examine all of them but we will take random samples and check to see if anyone who has registered for gross interest also has a file at one of our tax offices — which they should not normally have as only non-taxpayers should be registered for gross interest .
4 Johnnie Armstrong of Gilnockie had defied an agreement between the Wardens of the Marches that no building should be erected by either side within the confines of the Debatable Land when he set up a tower above the Esk .
5 This should be rewarded with lower inflation in 1993 , after five years in which it rose continuously , if slowly .
7 Aylesbury Vale Health Authority hopes the cuts will be temporary and says the books should be balanced by next year .
8 During the term of office of the third chief executive , a referendum would be held to decide whether the chief executive should be selected by general election .
9 Should be trained from young age .
10 It is entirely appropriate that racehorses should be trained in that setting , for Lady Anne 's grandfather was the 6th Duke of Portland , owner of the legendary racehorse and sire St Simon .
11 No one should be subjected to verbal harassment , just as no one should be threatened with physical violence .
12 How the latter will be achieved remains to be seen , but it has been mooted that a surcharge should be levied on tropical timber , to be paid by the market , which could be used to undertake research into ways of achieving and ensuring tropical forest survival .
13 In February 1985 , a government Green Paper 3 accepted the basic proposition that a royalty should be levied on blank tape , but the amount was limited to a maximum of 10 per cent on the retail price of the tape .
14 There is no reason why the ability to use a washing-machine or a pressure cooker should be limited to one person per household !
15 The Democratic caucus in the House decided in 1971 that members should be limited to one sub-committee chairmanship thereby making it possible for many more congressmen to hold these coveted posts .
16 National armaments should be limited by mutual agreement , and the pressures of the military-industrial complex regulated by nationalization of armaments firms and control over the arms trade .
17 In drafting a break-clause the draftsman should consider : ( 1 ) the time at which the break-clause may be exercised ; ( 2 ) the manner in which it may be exercised ; ( 3 ) whether the circumstances in which the break-clause may be exercised should be limited in any way ; ( 4 ) the effect on other parts of the lease of the inclusion of a break-clause. ( a ) Time of exercise A break-clause is a species of option properly so called .
18 The necessary amendments to company legislation are considered below , but it should be noted at this stage that there is no amendment to s 283 so that , although the sole member can be the sole director under s 282 , he or she can not also act as the company secretary .
19 However , it should be noted at this stage that only a minority of elderly patients are heated by the geriatric services .
20 It should be noted at this stage , however , that democracy might be a ‘ desirable output ’ of an organization , in which case its production at the expense of other outputs would not necessarily involve inefficiency .
21 It should be noted at this point that all broadcasting in the colonial territories was initiated and administered by the colonial governments : the private entrepreneur has been virtually excluded from broadcasting on the African continent .
22 It should be noted at this point that the small number of boys who become anorexic ( 14 per cent as compared to 86 per cent girls of the patients studied by Bruch ) do so before they reach puberty and do not develop sexually until after they have recovered .
23 On 11 May 1846 W.M. Wilkinson , their lawyer , wrote to the Home Office to ask what was happening : ‘ The Governors of the Veterinary College at Camden Town are anxious that the Charter for which they have petitioned Her Majesty or such modification thereof as you may approve should be granted without further delay , as great inconvenience and loss to the Institution is arising from the want of such Charter .
24 ‘ But I think the time has come , ’ he went on , ‘ when the same microscope should be employed in another part of Ireland , namely the North .
25 The range of attitudes is illustrated by strategies that state , at one extreme , that ‘ all people should be provided with access to public transport services for three return trips a day to the nearest market town , providing for a journey to work in the morning , a mid-day shopping journey and a journey home in the evening … ’ , and suggest , at the other extreme , that all ‘ deep ’ rural areas should have a public transport service to a local centre on at least two days a week or that all sizeable villages should be served by public transport on one day a week ( Adams et al .
26 Floats should be inspected for good finish , secure rings and concentric shape .
27 They cover courses which the Government believe should be secured at national level because of their national significance .
28 Another 6000 to 8000 troops should be sent simultaneously against Gosport , which should be secured with equal ease and from there 24 mortars would make the dockyard and lower town of Portsmouth untenable .
29 They believe that a Christian should be prepared for that return .
30 Early in 1981 Lothian Regional Council decided that various disused railway lines should be acquired and that a rolling programme of cycleway/footpath improvement schemes should be prepared for this land and for other former railway land owned by the Regional Council .
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