Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adj] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This version should be available in a month or so and will possibly be followed by a Solaris version .
2 This version should be available in a month or so and will possibly be followed by a Solaris version .
3 Most of the directories listed below should be available in the reference section of your local library , but after an initial study at the library it is advisable to buy one or two for company use .
4 Having believed initially that a good print should be available in the collection for ever , she was now constantly urging her colleagues to be more innovative .
5 Most of this chapter is a discussion of these complexities and of possible policy actions , and our emphasis is on the wide choice which should be available in the future over the pattern and intensity of work which people do .
6 By avoiding variations in vowel preparation ( apart from the two patients with ileostomies ) any such effect due to a change in diet should be equivalent in the UC and control patients .
7 We went with the sixth formers las last summer we went to see The Tempest and it 's such a beautiful place you know , it 's you 're outdoors but it 's quite weird the way they do it , because you 're like in a canopy but the actual stage it outdoors , so you 're covered but you get a bit cold and you need to take woollies and things , it can get a bit cold out there , but it should be nice in the summer .
8 We now have three criteria for the selection of methods and resources : that they should be appropriate for the objectives and the students to be taught ; that they should be practicable in the context of the teaching session ; and that they should be compatible with the personal resources of the teacher .
9 They should be credible in the assessment context , which means that in addition to having expertise in the relevant discipline , they should also have some formal training in assessment methodology and techniques .
10 Bede 's account of Eadwine 's successive ‘ conditional promises ’ ( as they have been called ) to accept Christianity — if he should find it acceptable after marrying Aethelburh ( HE 11 , 9 ) , if he should be victorious in the campaign against Cwichelm ( HE 11 , 9 ) , and if his counsellors should advise it after consultation ( HE 11 , 10 ) — carries with it an air of literary artificiality .
11 All information should be confidential in the sense that it can not be traced back to an individual , i.e. anonymity must be guaranteed to achieve frankness .
12 It is not that people should be righteous in the expectation of some reward but rather they should behave righteously because of an inherent desire to do so .
13 In the context of this paper it is suggested that the following principles are added : dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own homes for as long as possible dementia sufferers should be maintained in their own community for as long as possible the number of moves should be kept to a minimum the independence , dignity and privacy of the sufferer must be respected the dementia sufferers must be involved as far as possible in discussions and decisions regarding their care and any possible move carers or potential carers should be involved in the decision-making process .
14 On the former , it states that internal audit should be involved in the determination of its own priorities , in consultation with management , and the head of internal audit should accordingly have direct access , and freedom to report to all senior management .
15 As detailed in earlier chapters , governors should be involved in the School 's Development Plan which must lay out both short-term aims and longer-term objectives in priority order but with an inbuilt degree of flexibility , should circumstances dictate a change of plan at any time .
16 I mean myself as a councillor I think i if you 're a councillor you should be involved in the strike in one way or another you know .
17 In addition , it is argued that ministers should have a larger say in the appointment and transfer of senior departmental officials with whom they would be working ; that ministers should have their own private political office of specialist and political advisers ; that junior ministers should be involved in the work of departmental and interdepartmental committees which are at the moment the preserve of departmental officials ; and that backbenchers should be more closely involved in the decision-making process through bringing them into government departments .
18 It is only sensible that the person for whom the candidate will be working ( and who therefore probably knows best what is needed ) , should be involved in the selection .
19 The democratic ideal asserts that those who are substantially affected by the decisions made by political and social institutions in our society should be involved in the making of those decisions .
20 It seems possible , therefore , that financial managers should be involved in the identification and analysis of those key factors .
21 The author should provide a clear index and an illustration list ; the author should be involved in the recording of taped material , since here he is concerned with spoken , as opposed to written language .
22 Staff should be involved in the marketing and sales programmes and targets should be set and staff rewarded if they are achieved .
23 The consultation partner should be involved in the engagement at the outset and in appropriate circumstances the basis of valuation discussed and agreed in advance .
24 Horticultural Training staff should be involved in the specification , evaluation and use of the educational technology equipment outlined below .
25 General practitioners should be involved in the purchasing process as they purchase the bulk of health care ; are the first point of contact for the users of the health service ; need to have input on what is purchased ; and need to be able to manage the changes resulting from the shift in the balance of power towards primary care
26 They , not just their managers , should be involved in the design or purchasing process , and consulted about their tasks .
27 Discuss the evidence which suggests that in order to be effective , a manager can and should be flexible in the choice of his managerial style .
28 A government and a church should be complementary in the management of human affairs , the government as elected within a nation , and the church based on a world-wide acceptance of a defined ‘ god ’ — , and removed from control by government except in so far as its necessary commercial structure , and its adherents , must obey the laws of the prevailing administration .
29 You should be fine in a day or two . ’
30 It may well be contrary to modern judicial philosophy that a defendant should be liable in the absence of fault but this involves as its consequence that an innocent plaintiff should bear the loss .
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