Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , given the readiness of our subjects to talk at length about their drug use , the time limits placed on the research , and the possibility of a number of informants being sentenced and/or convicted before the second interview took place , it quickly became clear that the majority of interviewees would probably be seen only once and that in-depth interviews should be conducted on first contact , if that suited the informant .
2 ( It will be found in Volume I of Hume 's Treatise which should be read at first hand , as we are not trying to do it any justice here . )
3 But everyone should be fighting for first team places , especially as we are going to Wembley .
4 En- Janice Cairns as Butterfly tries must be received by first post on Wednesday , November 29 .
5 And , as is often the case in the media , literary texts have the habit of not turning out to mean what might be expected at first sight .
6 The main body of the 1992 budget , approved by the Council of Ministers on Sept. 18 [ see p. 38445 ] , and presented to the National Assembly on Oct. 15 , was adopted on Oct. 20 by invoking Article 49.3 of the Constitution ( " engagement of the government 's responsibility " ) , whereby legislation could be adopted on first reading unless the opposition tabled a vote of censure .
7 The shape of this 30ft by 45ft design seemed to make it appear wider and not all features could be seen at first glance .
8 An arrestable offence is : ( 1 ) an offence for which the sentence is fixed by law ( murder , treason ) ; ( 2 ) an offence for which a person of 21 or over may be sentenced on first conviction to imprisonment for a term of five years ( This covers common law and statutory offences ) ; ( 3 ) those offences listed in section 24(2) , e.g. Theft Act 1968 ( ss. 12(I) and 25(1) ) ; Sexual Offences Act 1956 ( ss.14 , 22 and 23 ) ) .
9 A warrant may be issued at first instance if the court is satisfied by evidence on oath that a summons is unlikely to secure the attendance of a reluctant witness ( MCA 1980 , s97(2) ) .
10 There are a few instances , however , when even TNF needs further simplification , and these are looked at in Section 3.8 which may be skipped on first reading .
11 The War Artists Advisory Committee was set up , not only to stimulate and artistic record of war and related activities , but also to help ensure that at least some of the artists would be saved from First World War carnage .
12 In the above two examples , entries would be retrieved under first author and under class-mark .
13 The integrand can be expanded to first order in : .
14 If there is a significant urethritis , this can be adduced by first sample can be spun down and the solid matter can be stained and microscopically examined .
15 The cotton can be fixed by first coating the board with glue size or a coat of PVA glue .
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