Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] at the end " in BNC.

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1 — ‘ On this occasion the court ordered that the case should be heard at the end of August 1991 .
2 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
3 These are of considerable assistance to the file designer , and should be examined at the end of each run , at least while operating data for a file is still limited .
4 Initial goals should be reached at the end of the fifth year ( 16+ ) but the Compact entitlement stays with students permanently and can be redeemed whenever they leave full-time education .
5 Growth rate is slow , about 23cm ( 9in ) a year ; no particular care is needed , though any broken or dead shoots and branches should be removed at the end of winter ; young plants will need protection in severe winters until well established .
6 Breathing exercises should be performed at the end of each training session .
7 Space should be left at the end of pipe runs for slight expansion .
8 Dill should be added at the end of cooking , or its flavour is destroyed .
9 5 Support etc The rights of light air support protection shelter and all other easements and rights now or after the date of this Lease belonging to or enjoyed by other parts of the Centre The following proviso should be added at the end of this paragraph : provided that such rights and easements shall not [ adversely ] or [ materially ] affect the Premises or the business being carried on therein
10 In the case of registered land the following additional words should be included at the end of clause 9.1 :
11 The third key characteristic is that the actual value of all the variables which according to equation ( 6.7 ) determine should be known at the end of period t - 1 ; otherwise they can not be used to predict .
12 If a plaintiff abandons the excess of his claim to bring it within the jurisdiction of the county court , the abandonment must be stated at the end of the particulars ( Ord 6 , r 1(3) ) .
13 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
14 Prayers must be moved at the end of the day 's business , an unpopular time .
15 Remember that the colon must be supplied at the end of the device name .
16 Both this and the P14 must be returned at the end of the tax year ( 5th April 1992 ) .
17 The fact that the car must be returned at the end of the hire term means that the range of adaptation is limited to those that can be easily attached and removed , eg hand controls , wheelchair hoists , rotating seats , etc .
18 The closest thing to an acknowledgement of what this might be comes at the end of the splendid description of a whale-hunt , which has all the care for technical precision of a Del Giudice ( 71–7 ) , when the old whaler asks the narrator why he wanted to join the expedition that day , whether it was just out of curiosity ( 76–7 ) .
19 BTW The bad news for me is that I 'll be unsubscribing at the end of the week when I finish working here — what a bummer !
20 Now at one time I used to say here you are here are the two products when you go on the training course it 'll be decided at the end of the training course which product you 'll go on .
21 Apart from a concerted effort by its backers , which could be shaped at the end of year meeting , Goldstein says only catalytic events will otherwise drive the Architecture-Neutral Format to market .
22 Apart from a concerted effort by its backers , which could be shaped at the end of year meet , Goldstein says only catalytic events will otherwise drive ANDF to market .
23 Here each unit would be taught separately from the others although links could be made at the end of the unit .
24 A windfall or an inheritance is not out of the question , and we could be looking at the end of March , May or October-November for a material or financial boost .
25 He said after Silverstone he 'd be retiring at the end of the season .
26 If the search is successful a list of one or more study titles may be viewed at the end of the search .
27 If the senior invigilator considers that annotation of prescribed texts used in an examination could give a candidate an unfair advantage , the texts may be retained at the end of the examination .
28 An ordinary BSc degree may be taken at the end of the third year but the majority of students proceed to the fourth year of the BEng honours degree .
29 At the time the decision was that a review would be undertaken at the end of the conflict or ‘ in six months time ’ to look at the long-term future of the OCU .
30 My earlier assertion that Hunslet would be leaving at the end of the season , now appears to have been a figment of my imagination , and from what i 've read over the last couple of days Leeds appear to be up ‘ shit creek ’ .
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