Example sentences of "[modal v] to be [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well it used to be er one road used to be called Meadow Flats , and then you go a little way down another road and it used to be called the bottoms .
2 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
3 ‘ La Piazza : used to be called the Padovani . ’
4 William gazed out of the window as they drove through what used to be called The Village and was now just another suburban shopping centre .
5 One used to be called the bottoms and one used to be called the Meadow Flats and yet they both led to the same place .
6 It would have been nice to go into partnership with my son Paul , but he deals in what used to be called the avant-garde , the most difficult stuff to sell , and wants to be in New York .
7 They used to have er a a what you call a front room , and then we used to call it the kitchen and then the other place where you wash your pots and the sink in and everything in , it used to be called the scullery in them days .
8 •The tough course at Wentworth ( Surrey ) used to be called the Burma Road .
9 still blessed with a scent of what used to be called the counter-culture , they are also the most responsive to music generated from outside the mainstream corporate structure .
10 And there used to be two on the Road , one used to be called Palladium and one used to be called the Palace .
11 And underneath this archway you used to have meat stalls and fish stalls and it used to be called the shambles .
12 They used call the it used to be called the attic you see in them days .
13 The placing of Uruguay and Colombia in the third pool has satisfied the South Americans , and what used to be called the Iron Curtain countries can not complain .
14 Stag parties and hen parties used to be held the night before the wedding , the last opportunity for the girls and boys to go out , or stay at home , with friends of their own sex .
15 Peter was the test pilot used to be testing the Harvards over Walsall , and the engines used to make noises like angry wasps which was Walsall people became to know very well .
16 I think now that it exists it ought to be giving money to these things , but I think it ought to be taking the advice of the panels of artists and museum people .
17 Yes , but On the last comment that er Chris made er bringing us and the letter to county about the the failure of the meeting on the twenty second cos we feel that they are just lying down to the situation and not pursuing a pursuing the D A P about whatsoever and erm we are , certainly in John 's letter probably get it signed tonight complaining and asking for a a meeting as soon as possible because we feel that that they ought to be pursuing the question of these two sites , they 're dragging their feet !
18 ‘ She thinks he ought to be given the sack , but Mr Potter wo n't hear of it .
19 The House ought to be given the opportunity to see another document : the document that sets out Labour 's programme , and presents the alternative that Labour Members are well able to encapsulate in amendments to motions but always fight shy of actually producing .
20 There 's a lot of emphasis these days about individuals growing as individuals , but are you really saying that because women are obviously individuals they ought to be given the opportunity of growing in a way that they could only do if they had jobs ?
21 Canada ought to be given the encouragement of making a serious bid .
22 While the BBC had remained a monopoly , television viewers had no programme choices nor , for that matter , could there be any argument as to which institution ought to be allocated the revenue obtained from the licence tee .
23 ‘ And I can only say that the Master will not like it if his breakfast and lunch do not arrive on time , because he serves his maid coffee , engages her in chit-chat , and encourages her to read disreputable papers when she ought to be blackleading the range , or scrubbing the kitchen floor . ’
24 Both Sonatas are cleanly played , but the inner momentum of Rachmaninov 's first movement is lost : Yo-Yo Ma too often takes a back seat when he ought to be showing the lead , and this affects the balance .
25 Not only is it ably led by the shrewd Gordon Taylor ( who perhaps ought to be running the FA ) , the players ' union also has a record which other unions would be proud of .
26 His chief failing was a habit of cracking heavy pedantic jokes ; he was unable to let a good idea drop , and remarked several times during the course of the film that the heroine looked like she ought to be playing the horse .
27 Strategy and tactics ought to be preoccupying the leadership rather than this simple advance .
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