Example sentences of "[modal v] not be give [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Users should not be given access to this account .
2 The term ‘ special children ’ immediately brings to mind certain groups of children : those with limited or no sight who can be provided with materials in an appropriate form — books in large print , books to be read with trained finger-tips , books to be heard ; those with hearing impairment who can fully utilize print and picture materials but who may not be given access to music ( the value of such access is demonstrated by the career of the distinguished percussionist Evelyn Glennie ) .
3 prior to ratification there would always be enabling legislation , incorporating by statute those prospective treaty obligations which could not be given effect under prerogative powers , and required changes to domestic common law or statute .
4 I would not be giving evidence of bad faith by looking for an opt-out clause — and the reason is that , unlike the Prime Minister , I do not have to try to patch my party together .
5 Usually we will not be given permission by the Legal Aid Board to issue proceedings and go to court until the investigation is finished .
6 Pateman also believes political obligation can not be given expression in the liberal democratic institutions .
7 As Karl Barth expresses it , woman is to man as B is to A ; why should woman mind ? 17 The idea that western religion has itself been a cause of attitudes which have deeply harmed women obviously can not be given entrance by them .
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