Example sentences of "[modal v] not give [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You may feel that the council should not give any money at all to a political party , but you can not move an amendment that no money be given since this is a simple negative of the original motion .
2 What the Government is trying to do is to persuade the estate agents that they should n't give false particulars at all .
3 Task allocation also means that nurses become very familiar with doing particular procedures , even though they may not give much thought to why they are doing something .
4 As the guest calling himself Mr Smythe did not have legal title to the cheque , he could not give legal title to the hotelier ; therefore , the cheque would not be paid and the hotelier would suffer the loss .
5 Sir John told Mrs Kennedy he could not give precise figures of what job opportunities would arise from the transfer .
6 Our principal method for gathering the information about care programming which we report here was direct interviews with practitioners , but this could not give any indication of the applicability of our findings to other areas .
7 The fact was that distrust of Chamberlain ran so deep that even the most unequivocal supporter of rearmament in the labour movement could not give unreserved support to his Government 's military preparations .
8 He certainly could n't give two shits about the Vietnam War .
9 But tonight , the Government could n't give any assurances about overseas aid .
10 Very few athletes enter sport without the assistance and encouragement of a teacher who might innocently create serious tensions , as with Jackie Jackson , whose PE teacher strengthened her commitment to athletics , a commitment which proved destructive to her educational aims , as she pointed out : ‘ I was spending so much time in athletics that I could n't give enough time to my ‘ A ’ levels . ’
11 And I would not give another year of my life to a new version , he wrote .
12 One wife , who has now returned part-time to her own career while she cares for their two small children , accepted before marrying that her high-powered executive husband would not give any help in the house .
13 The financial accounts for a building company would not give any indication of the profit or loss on any individual project but only the financial position of the company as a whole .
14 I would n't give any odds on him keeping that right arm , either . ’
15 If he ca n't give that assurance in his summing up , then we will be opposing .
16 ‘ I ca n't give that sort of guarantee .
17 ‘ I assure you that I will not give any offence to the Lady Yolande .
18 If a social worker is already helping your family , there is nothing to worry about ; your social worker will discuss the assessment with you , and will not give any information without your permission .
19 In Scotland at any rate , the judge will not give any indication of the sentence he has in mind on any particular pleas , and this obviously limits the effect of bargaining .
20 I give him credit for that , although I can not give much credit to his policy of favouring a 50 per cent .
21 To ensure an employee becomes effective in his work as soon as possible , briefing on the areas mentioned above is most important but no matter how much business information is provided in advance , the expatriate can not give full attention to his work if he or members of his family suffer culture shock as a result of living in a strange environment .
22 Second , the teacher is constantly interrupted by other children and can not give full attention to the reader .
23 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
24 As teachers … we can not give this faculty to those who do not already possess it , as a natural endowment , in the degree which literary criticism demands .
25 I can not give any estimate of its arrival .
26 This is why counting the number of words in a text can not give any indication of its style .
27 ‘ I can not give any indication on which companies we are meeting but suffice it to say that one is trade and the other two venture .
28 I welcome the commitment that has been shown by the head of the governing body , but I can not give any hint of the decision that I will be taking by the end of February .
29 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
30 Although the proprietors and staff of EVERYDAY ELECTRONICS take reasonable precautions to protect the interests of readers by ensuring as far as practicable that advertisements are bona fide , the magazine and its Publishers can not give any undertakings in respect of statements or claims made by advertisers , whether these advertisements are printed as part of the magazine , or are in the form of inserts .
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