Example sentences of "[modal v] have be [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Neither viewpoint is absolute , but some reference should have been made to several recent studies of evolutionary rates in the Pleistocene mammals of Europe .
2 What had gone awry , that he should have been led to this pass , and even now he felt himself following , perforce , the twists of his fortune , headlong as a fall , when he should have been steering his own course and bearing them strongly with him ?
3 How much time should have been allocated to that job/ activity ?
4 Yet all their study should have been directed to this end , so that they might be consumed with the love of God as well .
5 We do not think that they should have been put to this trouble we defend the status quo in the Scottish Bus Group .
6 Childeric must have been subjected to many of the influences which were to impinge on his son .
7 But to fill a material role such as that of a steelworker or a lawyer , an individual must have been subjected to numerous other ISAs .
8 I THINK you must have been going to small moneylenders to be quoted interest rates of this sort .
9 But after the sack of Athens by Sulla and the destruction of the Seleucid state by Pompey the taste for the quiet contemplation of world history which Posidonius encouraged must have been confined to provincial corners like Rhodes itself , or Agyrium , the Sicilian birthplace of Diodorus .
10 Gist of this intelligence ( with , of course , the utmost care to protect its source ) must have been conveyed to all regional commands in the United Kingdom , and from there filtered downward , for this moment coincided with the time when Leslie declared his willingness to perform almost any task in order to help repel invaders .
11 In another mood he might have been goaded to further efforts by her extremely obvious , even insulting , indifference , but now , if anything , he was inclined to give her credit for it .
12 The few hundred Australians on Timor had also contributed to the Japanese conviction that the island was to be re-occupied by the Allies , and the enemy reinforced his garrison with men of the 48 Division in the autumn of 1942 when these forces might have been employed to better effect against the Allies on New Guinea and elsewhere .
13 Does the Secretary of State imagine that such figures could have been given to any other Parliament in the European Community — especially in a country that had enjoyed a North sea oil bonanza over the years ?
14 They could have been sentenced to five years in prison .
15 She could have been assigned to any one of them .
16 But Finniston still harbours the belief that the wealth of experience he acquired during his ten years at British Steel could have been put to better service for the nation .
17 As far as national activities are concerned we have the greatest difficulty in getting a delegate to attend the tri-annual meeting in Birmingham this year and many members thought the money spent could have been put to better use .
18 The consequence of those legal manoeuvres is to deny other London boroughs a massive capital receipt which could have been put to good use on behalf of charge payers .
19 Of course I realised that at the last moment he could have been attached to another troop , but this seemed highly unlikely in view of the S.A.S. methods of training , which relied upon close personal co-operation between all ranks .
20 It is the lower after-tax interest rate that measures the social opportunity cost of resources that could have been devoted to private consumption .
21 It follows the publication of medical research which says men who 've worked for the Atomic Energy Authority and may have been exposed to certain radioactive materials have more than twice the normal risk of developing prostate cancer .
22 In the case of black speakers , because LE is almost certainly their dominant language , though they may have been exposed to Creole first ; at any rate , the possibility that these occasional " Creolisms " are due to a carry-over from the " mother tongue " remains doubtful and unproven .
23 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
24 The acquirer may not have the time or be willing to make the inspections and will not want to accept the risk that some information may have been given to one of its employees or advisers who was unable at the time to appreciate its significance in relation to the transaction , or indeed may have been forgotten .
25 Thus , we can not rule out the possibility that the increased risk of coronary heart disease among young men with no teeth may have been related to previous dental decay .
26 In addition , important regulators of platelet function , such as prostacyclin and cyclic AMP , may have been degraded to inactive products during the time taken to prepare platelet-rich plasma .
27 It would then be a reasonable deduction that some of the ancient equatorial groups that have since disappeared , such as the rudists , may have been adapted to these higher temperatures , and become extinct when they were no longer available .
28 That weapon may have been used to good effect against the Scots who were defeated at Falkirk in July 1298 .
29 However , once the properties of the alloy were appreciated , the ores were no doubt deliberately selected , or arsenic minerals may have been added to molten copper .
30 The redemption value is also linked to the rate of inflation so that , taking the above rate of inflation as being relevant , the original 100 would have been increased to 105.5 ( 100 ) ( 1.055 ) .
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