Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] him [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You should have smacked him a good one when you had the chance ! ’
2 Ernest Jarvis did what he had to do elaborately , and it must have taken him a long time .
3 Because of the missing front leg , the Collector had to sit well back and to one side ; even so , he sometimes forgot about it and , waving an arm for emphasis , narrowly avoided plunging to the floor ; this could have caused him a severe injury since the floor was some way below .
4 On the other hand , he was n't all that heavily built and a strong man — or woman , come to that — could have dragged him a short distance . ’
5 I could have given him a straight rejection , but I suppose that was not in my nature .
6 Adorno 's recognition of the radical potential of what he called jazz ( see , for example , Adorno 1976 : 33–4 ) could have given him the theoretical space for such an approach ( it certainly means he has no logical grounds for the theoretical closure he operates , only a self-fulfilling pessimism ) ; but he fails to follow his quest into places where he could have found what he sought , and , more damagingly , he excludes the possibility of any other mode of critique than that associated with alienated individualism .
7 A well-rounded elder statesman : Denis Healey has a personal Hinterland , filled with poetry , history , classics and philosophy , which he fears may have made him an over-tolerant politician .
8 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
9 His mother was a Parr , which may have given him an independent entree into Gloucester 's service , but he could equally well have come to the duke 's attention through the Percy connection .
10 In fact it has often been said that Halley 's reputation for atheism may have cost him the Savilian chair of astronomy in 1691–2 .
11 I mean , I would have given him a good kick if I 'd do stood along side of him !
12 ‘ Even before you pointed out his similarity to Clinton , I would have given him a reasonable rating .
13 His alcoholism would have made him an unsuitable colleague for revolutionaries obsessed with the need for secrecy and the dangers of indiscretion .
14 Three days before he died , in a master stroke of irony , the emperor confirmed his appointment as kapellmeister at St Stephen 's — a post which would have brought him a steady income of 2,000 gulden a year .
15 He was perhaps a little too intelligent for the daily grind of professional golf , without having that last cutting edge of brilliance which would have brought him an Open Championship .
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