Example sentences of "[modal v] have [be] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was even rumoured that Western architects were approached , but that must have been at a subordinate level since early on one clear idea took hold of Ceauşescu 's mind : the whole project , from design through the workforce to the materials used , must come from Romania itself .
2 It must have been at the very time of the proceedings against Myln that the archbishop of St Andrews received the earl of Argyll 's answers to his letter of admonition of 31 March 1558 , in which he warned the earl of the dangers of his support for Protestantism .
3 ‘ Though we knew by the place where he had fallen that it must have been at the very summit just as the path runs down the cliff to Kinghorn Manor . ’
4 Initially a pitch of a ♯ = 408 was chosen as being close to the Bate Collection 's recorders of the period : at this pitch it sounds fine but one could easily allow that the original use of the instrument might have been at a higher pitch than this .
5 But er that was , that was very much er clutching at things that might have been at the last moment .
6 structures , their possibilities I mean at one stage they would have been at a certain level had n't got a landlord their income but that 's within one particular moral economy , now the idea here is to break that down , you know , just get rid of the circle altogether .
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