Example sentences of "[modal v] have [verb] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Dinah noticed that the garden was tidy and well weeded , and reserved her opinion of the scholarly pair until she should have seen their methods for herself .
2 Oh you 'll have to charge them francs for it .
3 Mr Alan Milburn , Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington , was pleased the appeal had failed but suspected Bioplan might have abandoned its plans for the town anyway due to financial problems .
4 Few could have met their demands for additional labour internally , and not because they were hampered by rigid job demarcation system or lacked a workforce with adaptable skills .
5 I could have got you tickets for the Grand Prix . ’
6 He could have slit our throats for us then and there and thrown us in the canal , likely as not .
7 It was after you decided that we 'd have to cancel our bookings for Venice next March because of the exchange rate .
8 Some players , such as midfielder Stefan Effenberg , may have burned their boats for a while .
9 There was one about a fortnight ago , and would have given my ears for the sort of civilian committee , and the methods that they 're using here , compared with the ones I saw in London .
10 and we , we would ask of that , but the next point and erm , is this my Lord erm at the moment erm the negotiations are erm proceeding in relation to the house , about which we have heard evidence , er , we could not properly buy it until it had been investigated by the court of protection and there was approval of that , and er it will be necessary for er consideration to be given as to how it should be purchased , in practical terms , firstly your Lordship has erm awarded a figure of seventy one thousand pounds , then there is the eighty thousand pounds on the existing house which takes one up to a hundred and fifty or thereabouts , and one sees that the special damages and interest thereon comes to something over fifty two thousand pounds to which these er parents will be entitled in the normal way , and if they were to apply , they might do and apply , that would go a long way to purchasing it and the court of protection , if it approved that might take the view that it would be fair to take something out of the notional aspect of damages for loss of earnings , because after all the plaintiff would have spent his earnings for housing and so on in the future , that , that is the sort of problems that now have to be tackled er what , what we would respect and suggest is er simply that there is liberty to apply erm .
11 There were of course anomalies , but some would have occurred whatever mechanisms for resource allocation had been adopted .
12 ‘ He was the kind of man who would have sold his suspicions for money . ’
13 Little more than a century ago , when the river ran free , the Comanche would have taken our scalps for being here .
14 Ab van Marion , director of Progress ' European operations , admitted that Progress version 6 users will have to rewrite their applications for version 7 .
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