Example sentences of "[modal v] have [verb] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Many of them must have ended up in a British soldier 's mess-tin .
2 Must have gone out in a hurry .
3 Something must have come up , and she must have gone off in a hurry .
4 ‘ So the bomb must have gone off in the committee room .
5 Not only that , but he must have swallowed the large Garry Dog I had on the line , which must have floated down in an unrestricted way to him . ’
6 She woke , exclaiming that she must have dropped off in the heat .
7 I 'll have to go back in the house because I 've got two odd gloves on .
8 ‘ She 'll have to go down in the fattening fields with the cows . ’
9 so you know the , these one thing you 'll have to work out in a logical side of revelation
10 ‘ I 'll have to come back in the summer without the boots to play properly ! ’
11 ‘ We wanted to play Dublin but all the venues were booked out months ago , so we 'll have to come back in the New Year and do somewhere like the SFX or the Stadium .
12 Second , on any other night Hilda might have dozed off in the chair , but not after she 'd had a flaming row with Viola . ’
13 Otherwise , with all those emotions swirling around inside , I might have ended up in a mental hospital banging my head against a wall , screaming ‘ mama' . ’
14 If they live near to Mrs Richards 's villa , then one of them might have slipped down in the confusion to see what he could find in the surgery . ’
15 do n't go in Charlotte 's bedroom , alright , alright , they might have to come down in a minute if you want to go up , ah ?
16 Scamp had done thirteen months of a two-year stretch and he could 've got out in a coupla months more if he 'd kept his nose clean .
17 She could have stayed on in the country , until they found a place of their own , or even permanently , with William coming back at weekends .
18 Actually it was lucky that we went right over all three lanes of the motorway , there was a lot of people behind us , but luckily they saw the tyres , and they backed off , but we could have finished up in a real
19 The universe could have started out in a very smooth and ordered state .
20 I 'd have cast off in the Angharad to fetch you the minute I knew you were there ! ’
21 ‘ Meaning , I suppose , that I 'd have fallen over in a swoon ? ’
22 I 'd have to strike out in a poorer direction .
23 And if I had to play them today , I 'd have to get off in a room with a record player , probably for a couple of hours and learn them . ’
24 The patient may have to move about in a relatively confined area , so you have to make sure he can do so safely before he begins .
25 I may have taken off in the wrong direction entirely .
26 You may have nodded off in the bus on your way to a dusty ruin where street-traders pestered you until you retired to the coach in a huff , but in print you will have enjoyed the delights of a ‘ bustling street market ’ , selling ‘ delightful local crafts ’ in the shadow of ‘ one of the forgotten wonders of the world ’ .
27 Normally I would have gone down in the passenger pod , but of course the pod was back on Uulaa .
28 Had it not been for human kindess he would have ended up in a pork pie .
29 But for the military prowess of the Duke of Parma , a Spanish general who overcame the city 's resistance in the 1580s , Antwerp would have ended up in the United Provinces ( today 's Holland ) rather than the Spanish Netherlands ( today 's Belgium ) .
30 ‘ If it were n't for me giving you a roof over your head after your mother had the gall to die on me , you would have ended up in the bloody workhouse !
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