Example sentences of "[modal v] have [noun] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No presbyterian can see why a monarch should have jurisdiction over a belief in God 's kingdom .
2 But to go on from this to the recommendation of the Bullock Report that workers should have representation on a company 's board is to change the nature of the institution , which in my judgment is quite unwarranted .
3 The announcement was again dogged by the spectre of the SNP 's deal in voting with the Government on the Maastricht Bill two weeks ago , with its leaders being asked why voters should have confidence in a party which voted with an administration which strongly advocated the continued Union .
4 Erm , I do n't think either a father or a mother intrinsically has to be necessary , I think what 's important is that children should have access to a variety of loving adults , one or two , or maybe three of those who they should have a special relationship with , does n't matter whether they 're male or female , so long as the , the children are loved and they feel secure and happy , it does n't matter about , you know , this is mother , this is father .
5 Self-help groups can be very useful and ideally every physician caring for diabetics should have access to a person skilled in helping people to rid themselves of the smoking habit .
6 Reception staff should have access to a database containing information on Garden events , basic Garden information , and staff skills and specialisms .
7 Even Canada , a leader in environmental matters , must have interest in a situation which could extend its growing season and allow it to push its arable lands further north .
8 Participants remote from Henley must have access to a PC and modem as well as adequate library facilities .
9 A transformational change is orchestrated by the organization 's executive managers , who must have access to a model that enables them to diagnose and manage the change process .
10 The developmental view of children 's language suggests that , in addition to establishing prerequisite cognitive and social skills , the child must have access to a number of environmental support systems ( see Bruner 1983 ) .
11 It found that on average , women expect to be taken out to dinner ten times before they 'll have sex with a man . ’
12 It 's OK in a caff — you can just ask for egg and chips or if they have pictures you can just point , but I think I might have trouble in a restaurant cos you got to read from a menu thing , and I have a bit of trouble with my reading .
13 After all , anyone might have dinner with a customer .
14 A BRIDE could have love on a plate — the car number 1 DO is on offer at next month 's DVLA sale in Birmingham .
15 The seller may also wish to stipulate whose knowledge will be imputed to it ; it may be that a company could have knowledge through a person who knows nothing of the existence of the warranties .
16 Then they could have sex on a tiger skin by an open fire ; actresses always owned things like tiger skins .
17 You could have respect for a man who lusted after you and fought for you and took you .
18 Metallic hydrogen could have applications as a room temperature superconductor , and could be a powerful fuel useful in nuclear devices and as an explosive .
19 Having got this joke out of the way , she was then told no she could not have money for food , but she could have cash for a carpet .
20 For example , a telephonist in a large company may have contact with a customer by answering his calls but this can not be a reasonable basis for preventing that person from working for a trade competitor .
21 ( iv ) In proof-reading any work produced on a word processor , pupils may have access to a computer spelling checker. ( v ) Pupils should be encouraged to use whatever presentational devices are appropriate for a given piece of work — particularly work that is to be displayed or made public .
22 Too often people throw up ideas — ‘ Let's have so-and-so as a speaker on Tuesday and a dance on the Wednesday and a banquet on Thursday ’ — without ever stopping to think how any of these will help reach goals or fit into the overall time .
23 He did not need to look at the single shelf of books to know they would have titles like A Pilot 's War Memoirs or Regiments of the Burma Campaign .
24 As I am unsure which department of the Borough Council would have responsibility for a matter like this I am addressing my letter to you and trust that you will pass it on to the appropriate office .
25 Debut-ing Producer Verity Lambert would have access to a pool of new and established Directors physically to make the shows , plus , in the office next door , her most valued asset of all — a resident Script-Editor .
26 This Part of this Act shall have effect with a view to securing the observance of proper hours … of work by persons engaged in the carriage of passengers or goods by road and thereby protecting the public against the risks which arise in cases where the drivers of motor vehicles are suffering from fatigue .
27 The fact that many non specialist teachers will have experience of a change to enquiry methods in their own specialist subject area is acknowledged as being of considerable value .
28 Every weekend will have events around a theme : lambing , horses , sheepshearing , gardens , scarecrows , cycles , costume and textiles , rugs , Edwardian and Medieval life , woodwork , haymaking , cider-making and the harvest .
29 They will be kept in locked bedrooms , but will have access to a dayroom and both counsellors and education specialists .
30 In new assured tenancies fair rents will give way to market rents freely negotiated between the landlord and the tenant , and neither assured nor assured shorthold tenants will have access to a Rent Officer under the fair rent procedures .
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