Example sentences of "[modal v] be need [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The company wished to know how many kibbles every workman " doth weekly land " , what charges had been incurred by building at Coniston and what repairs might be needed to uphold the works .
2 The Whigs , the party of reform , were back in office , but now with a promise from the King to create as many peers as might be needed to secure the passage of their Bill .
3 You 'll be needing to get the church fumigated , Father . ’
4 In the USA , Lawrence Livermore Laboratory and Rochester University are following an alternative approach called ‘ inertial fusion ’ where the deuterium and tritium fuel is in a small glass bubble which is momentarily blasted by powerful lasers , but here too practical economic fusion seems to be years in the future , and some 700 million dollars may be needed to upgrade the facility and keep the research moving forward .
5 Unfortunately , as Phlips ( 1987 ) has pointed out , exchange of information may be needed to facilitate the establishment of non-co-operative equilibria , in a situation where demands and costs are changing rapidly .
6 An opening will need to be cut in the brickwork for fully recessed types , and on larger types a small lintel may be needed to bridge the opening .
7 A compromise on objectives may be needed to allow the process to proceed .
8 This approach , far from just offering a comfortable sense of hand-holding , serves as an excellent safety net , as it helps us to identify at an early stage where a trainee 's progress may be for some reason deficient , and to take whatever steps may be needed to rectify the situation .
9 Actual or reckless intent , or intent to deceive , may be needed to bolster the severity of the charge .
10 A plan may be needed to accompany the application for a certificate of search .
11 Only by understanding these basic factors can managers appreciate the context before decisions can be made about appropriate technology and other factors that may be needed to deliver the system .
12 The symptoms are similar so hospital tests may be needed to tell the difference between bacterial and viral meningitis .
13 Growth may be needed to keep the shareholders and stock analysts happy otherwise the share price might decline .
14 Originally , the team mixed prawn nutrients with amines , thinking that they would be needed to form the capsule .
15 Nevertheless , the Unionist majority on the council voted not to submit these reports to the Ministry of Development , Londonderry County Council , or Londonderry Rural District Council , whose co-operation would be needed to extend the boundary .
16 As this herbicide is toxic to a wide range of weed species , only one spraying would be needed to control the weeds in such a crop .
17 Where do you think that more money needs to be spent ? erm well , the government are in the process of launching a massive new initiative called Care in the Community erm I 'm afraid a lot of people working in my neck of the woods find this rather well not amusing , but erm it 's slightly hysterically amusing , because the amount of money that would be needed to fund the projects that are identified as being necessary is enormous , and the government is in no way going to be putting up that sort of funds erm so it comes down to money , and particularly in this community care area .
18 Military experts think more than 50 fighter jets would be needed to enforce the zone .
19 That is still a far cry from the several years of falling output that would be needed to justify the term ‘ depression ’ .
20 Great efforts would be needed to restore the party to its strong position of 1914 and to carry on with the fundamental changes that had been under way then , but the war years had done no lasting damage .
21 Initial government money would be needed to get the scheme off the ground .
22 The vigour with which changes were imposed would help to create public confidence in his administration ; and a measure of ruthlessness would be needed to overcome the conservatism of the military establishment .
23 UNICEF 's State of the World 's Children 1991 report , published on Dec. 20 , said that an extra US$20,000 million would be needed to fulfil the summit 's promise to improve conditions for children by 2000 .
24 All that would be needed to perfect the system would be to eliminate the final and most tiresome source of error — the electors .
25 Also , if such a system were put into operation , a member of staff would be needed to operate the light-pen in the South Library and every pupil and teacher would need an individual borrower card .
26 Since some astronomers believe that the shock wave from a supernova would be needed to trigger the formation of a solar system , direct evidence of such an explosion would be illuminating , to say the least .
27 Although Kruger would eventually like to target consumers and the breakfast table market , he said that this was not possible at the moment — some form of docking station would be needed to make the proposition viable , and this is not yet available .
28 If I did take the twins away all summer then Masquerade would be taken to a boatyard in Florida , so I now signed the necessary customs forms and the insurance waiver and the dozen other pieces of paper that would be needed to keep the United States government and the delivery company happy .
29 It is thought that a sum of about £5,000 will be needed to carry the scheme through successfully and that a membership of 300 would be needed to maintain it on a sound basis .
30 Money from the National Lottery and from private and public donations , will be needed to finance the building , which may cost up to £100 million .
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