Example sentences of "[modal v] be [vb pp] to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As a corollary to the undifferentiated nuclear deterrent , the British became increasingly insistent from 1954 that Nato 's forces in Central Europe should be limited to a trip-wire role .
2 It has been suggested that in such cases , the offender 's benefit should be channelled to a general victim compensation fund .
3 However to deliver high concentrates over a moderately large area of irregular equipment a sprayer should be adjusted to a fine jet .
4 Ideally the pair should be moved to a 10 gallon tank with a bare bottom and a pot of low growing plants for the female to hide in .
5 After that visit , Mr Rikanovic suggests that ‘ because court proceedings like this one can last two to three years and be very expensive , especially in the U.S. , the case should be moved to a Swiss court where the whole proceeding would be faster , more efficient and much cheaper ’ .
6 In serious cases , consideration should be given to a brief period of suspension while the case is investigated and this suspension should be with pay .
7 ( iv ) If the right to sue in libel should be extended to a local government authority it could not logically be withheld from any government authority having separate legal personality .
8 A defence motion filed on the same day , however , caused consternation with the claim that Noriega was a US prisoner of war who should be transferred to a neutral third country for trial .
9 Light fittings in the garden should be connected to a separate circuit , from a spare fuse ‘ way ’ on the main consumer unit and protected by a residual circuit device ( RCD ) ( see Safety first ) .
10 There are sometimes signs of strain , as in the clumsy development of a conflict between husband and wife in Mandy ( 1952 , The Crash of Silence in US ) over whether or not their deaf-and-dumb daughter should be sent to a special school .
11 Brightly coloured coats , shirts and trousers should be tailored to a tight fit ; an elaborately decorated scarf should encircle his waist and hold a dagger : ‘ With a monthly salary of one hundred rupees let him allot ten rupees for the belt and the embroidered badge if he spends fifty rupees on a fur it will not be prodigality . ’
12 The system should be tailored to a particular domain , as accuracy can be much greater in a restricted situation .
13 It remains our conviction that the umpires have done their conscientious best throughout the summer , and that only ‘ line decisions ’ ( run-outs , stumpings , boundary incidents ) should be referred to a third umpire who has a TV playback monitor .
14 Each learner should be assigned to a clinical teacher or tutor whom they should consult regarding individual difficulties .
15 Day-to-day decision making should be assigned to a particular person if this is not carried out by the board member(s) who have overall responsibility for the policy .
16 Despite the stated belief in the Proposals that students at school should be exposed to a historic range of English writing , there is little attention to works written before the nineteenth century , and certainly no recognition that new relations with history are causing literary texts to be approached in new ways .
17 Those who do not should be escorted to a suitable room where another member of staff should remain with them if possible , if they wish for this .
18 A proportion of the X-ray pulsars , which are near relations of the black holes , are members of binaries , and so it is reasonable to expect that some stellar black holes should be bound to a visible star .
19 The hook should be honed to a needle-sharp point , and the barb reduced to enhance penetration .
20 These recommend that a local child psychiatric team should be involved with all such individuals and their families , and that young people up to 14 years of age should be admitted to a paediatric ward , rather than a general medical or surgical ward .
21 Although the original idea had been directed to the whole of the diocese it was felt that any pilot project should be confined to a smaller area .
22 The butter should be burnt to a mid- tan , sprinkled over the salads , and then the same pan used for quickly boiling four tablespoons of vinegar .
23 I would have thought that anyone with the most elementary grasp of relative importance would have decided that priority should be accorded to a female child done to death by some scoundrel . ’
24 There are increasing demands that the central institutions of the EEC should be reduced to a minimal role , that Member States should be allowed to integrate only so far as they wish , and that it should be possible for a country to remain within a European free-trade zone , but outside a politically united federation — as Norway , Iceland and the other Efta states have done since the establishment of the EEA .
25 So therefore our contention that the figure should be reduced to a hundred and two hectares .
26 In this situation , the duration time should be reduced to a few minutes greater than the current elapsed time .
27 Make no mistake , there are many who believe ( again not without considerable self-interest , that the serious business of running airlines should be left to a few major carriers — except , perhaps , for a few local services .
28 In further discussion the suggestion was made that the best course would be to introduce the Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading debate that , since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote .
29 In view of the evident division of opinion among Ministers , it was suggested at the meeting of the Cabinet on 19th June that the best course would be to introduce the Criminal Justice Bill without any provision abolishing capital punishment and to explain in the Second Reading Debate that since the question of capital punishment was one on which there were differences of opinion transcending Party lines , the Government felt that the matter should be left to a free vote on the Report Stage of the Bill .
30 The Cabinet agreed that in these circumstances it was inevitable that the decision on this issue should be left to a free vote .
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