Example sentences of "[modal v] give [noun sg] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus for SiFH 3 , the stretching vibration of the SiF bond must give rise to a dipole change along the C 3 axis , conventionally the z axis ( see Fig. 5.17 ) .
2 Thus the natural meaning of the word ‘ depositor ’ must give way to the extent necessary to enable the underlying purpose of the Act to be achieved .
3 To represent Hertfordshire residents we must give notice to the Government that is surely serious , sli slitshot consultation is no way to supervise the development of these airports .
4 As John Major contemplates on the way to Washington whether he should give support to the US plan , he should bear the following in mind .
5 He thought that the discount for contingencies should be comparatively small and that the £10,000 the widow received from the estate should give rise to a deduction of £200 from the annual dependency for the accelerated benefit that she received by obtaining it on his death .
6 The fact that the use of the bare infinitive should give rise to an impression of impoliteness or vulgarity is at first sight a bit surprising , but when considered in the light of make and have , examined above , the reason becomes clearer .
7 The official entry to the English capital of a new Swedish ambassador became the occasion for a struggle over which of the two rivals should give way to the other ; in this almost fifty men were killed and wounded .
8 Tertullian ( c. 155–222 ) was the first Church Father to declare that Christians ought to abstain on Sunday from secular duties or occupations , lest these should give pleasure to the Devil .
9 Held , dismissing the appeal , that the object of the substituted section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 had been to simplify the requirements for the execution and witnessing of a will ; that the complementary requirements , of a signature and of an intention that the signature should give effect to the will , demanded a practical approach ; that a written name , not being a normal signature , was capable of being a signature for the purposes of section 9 ; but that where a testamentary document was signed before the dispositive provisions had been written , affirmative evidence was necessary to show that the testator had intended the signature to give effect to the provisions ; that by writing his name and the dispositive provisions in one single operation the deceased had provided such evidence ; and that , accordingly , the will had been duly executed ; but that , on the evidence , the deputy judge had been entitled to conclude that the onus on the defendants of establishing the testamentary capacity of the deceased had not been discharged ( post , pp. 588B–H , 589B–F , 592A–C ) .
10 But where local law is absent or ambiguous , and British courts have the opportunity to shape the law according to their notion of an appropriate public policy , they should give effect to the policy laid down by the Convention .
11 The Manila Declaration states ( paragraph 23 ) : ‘ WACC should give priority to the empowerment of women through communication training and other activities ’ .
12 Let's give priority to the living .
13 These sequences may give rise to a kind of play , in which they are exaggerated , inverted or otherwise re-ordered in such a manner that a regular pattern or rhythm emerges in the finished product .
14 Or it may give rise to a level of customer price-sensitivity which was hitherto absent in the target market segment .
15 Although staff may have been appointed to a post With fixed hours and work schedules , a change in circumstances may give rise to a request for change .
16 The seller will be deemed to have received proceeds equal to the capital element ( that is , exclusive of the income element ) which may give rise to a capital gain or , more likely perhaps , an allowable loss .
17 This is supported by General Condition 2 of the Engineering and Computer Policies which sets out the action to be taken by the Policyholder on the happening of any event which may give rise to a claim .
18 Any number of circumstances may give rise to a fluctuation in workload thus upsetting staffing predictions .
19 However , it may give rise to the necessity for a fairly sophisticated mathematical calculation if a conversion table is not published .
20 The concept of an implied term , with its inevitable uncertainties , is inconsistent with the nature of an injunction , breach of which may give rise to the sanctions attendant upon contempt of court .
21 The answers to some of the questions posed in this booklet may give rise to the need for change .
22 Where a statute imposes a duty on a person , breach of that duty may give rise to an action for damages by a person injured as a result .
23 IVF , at first touted as a ’ last resort ’ measure for women with blocked tubes , is now being promoted for another group of women , those who can become pregnant but who are ’ carriers ’ of inheritable conditions such as haemophilia , and who may give birth to a child with the condition .
24 Active engagement may give way to the skills of contemplation and reflection .
25 ‘ But it needs to be done , even though it may give offence to the French . ’
26 Under section 245A , where copies of the annual accounts have been sent out , laid , or delivered to the Registrar and it appears to the Secretary of State that there is or may be a question whether they comply with the Act he may give notice to the directors indicating the respects in which it appears to him that the question may arise and specifying a period of not less than one month for the directors to give him explanations or prepare revised accounts .
27 It is thought that this might give relief to the husband for capital gains tax for the period from when the settlement is established ( ie the court order or when the agreement between the parties was finalised ) until its termination , but the application of this section to such a situation is not wholly clear .
28 Inside her she had felt a little sense of triumph begin to grow as they rode side by side through the cool bright jungle glades ; sometimes she had allowed her horse to drift towards his on the narrow trail , perhaps hoping he might give voice to the passion his expression had seemed to promise at the palais .
29 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
30 ( 10 ) Acceptance of the cash underwritten alternative and the consequent disposal of the consideration shares might give rise to a liability to capital gains tax depending on the individual circumstances of the accepting shareholder .
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