Example sentences of "[unc] they would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Er they say that 's where most of it went on er they would go into the pub and the riveter would tally up the the sheet for the week and say well okay , that 's , you know , the holder-on gets so much and the rivet boy gets so much , and the riveter got so much , and what have you .
2 They used to say , well I try and get my er my legs up for half an hour in the afternoon , but that 'd be about as much as th they 'd get in the way of rest .
3 and would hang about for two or thr I mean when I was on the dredger them men would st they would come aboard the dredger and wait there , do nothing until the boat came up the river .
4 and erm Wickham Market had erm Machine Centre erm , that was used during the war for erm certain courses er particularly for erm tractor drivers , they used to er have a week 's course , they had to apply to the Education Committee and er we got these applications in and erm they spent a week at Wickham Market , then in they used to stay in lodgings if they came from great distances and erm they would learn about the maintenance of erm of tractors and er , I suppose it 's quite a good thing really because er , it was difficult to get any repairs done in those days
5 They 'd hear it th th they would n't erm they 'd know through the agent , when the ships were coming they used to make it their business to go and find out you see but today th they even got telephones on the houses now so they can call 'em out .
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