Example sentences of "[unc] and [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Astor family 's contribution to Hever 's rich history can be appreciated through the superb collections of furniture , paintings and objets d'art and through the quality of workmanship employed , particularly in the wood carving and plasterwork .
2 Er and on the basis of your knowledge I mean , in terms of the flats , when you 've s you 've been there f er and also you 've erm worked with some of the tenants that have been down here , I mean how what do you think er in terms of the living conditions , I mean how er in the flats , I mean how do they , how do you see them ?
3 Er and at the end of the day you have a figure which you then can offset against what you think your corporate aims and er your other commitments in policy terms .
4 Er and at the end of the quarter I could n't pay that , then obviously you got no dividend on it because you still owed them that hundred pounds , but they would take the book away so you could n't get any more .
5 We can negotiate access to our land and we will be only too pleased to do so but whilst you are killing the fox er and at the end of the day , it is not on .
6 Chairman and I , I still stick to wh what I said that I think that we ought to reverse and , and p put two to number one erm er and with the addition of those words , because
7 Er and in the lack of any specific response or request from the District Council on the flexibility issue , we I feel that those that allocation of twenty five hectares
8 The fingers en route and for the purpose of being chilled were placed in a packet of ice lollies !
9 And this morning we 're presenting two activists with the gold badge the women and the men 's and during the course of the week , we 'll be presenting the youth award to one of our young members .
10 The pope sent cardinals , the senator of Rome and other nobles to escort him to St Peter 's and at the monastery of St Pancras the king was anointed by the cardinal bishop of Porto and crowned by the pope , who gave him the royal insignia .
11 The consequence of this is that the copyright in any program so written will , prima facie and in the absence of any agreement otherwise , belong to the freelance programmer .
12 A further trial was promptly conducted in which streptomycin was compared with PAS and with the combination of both drugs .
13 You know that erm and of the famine in Ethiopia , and they reckon it 's gon na kill even more than the one ninety eighty four did .
14 And you receive an annual statement erm and at the end of ea end of period or when you a are actually retiring then you will be contacted and you 'll receive you know sort of guidance on how to that money .
15 But I think Bryony if you er also comment , but the films that we had in June like Rebecca 's Daughter erm and Until the End of the World erm and erm some re-runs .
16 The Lanc that been allocated to the RAF Museum was PA474 and after the end of its active life it was flown into the Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Henlow on September 25 , 1964 , to await the opening of a new museum .
17 We therefore propose the stoichiometry shown in Fig. 4 g , in which uptake of one glutamate is accompanied by two Na + and by the countertransport of a K + and an OH - ( or occasionally an HCO in vivo ) .
18 After the Sanctus and before the elevation of the Host , the reader is bidden to remember Christ 's Passion and his own sin , and also to pray for all estates in the land from Pope and King to the " poure and smale " , for good harvests to sustain them and for entry into God 's joy at death .
19 This was a joy for me as I had puzzled often on the jumble of tops visible from the A82 and in the mass of high peaks this area contains .
20 And the people that lived there there was were there for the season , but they would help with the harvest , so they go dyking and fencing and er r r and at the time of the shooting season they would be employed with poling man and dog man or something like that of long ago .
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