Example sentences of "[unc] [prep] the first [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The pre-tax loss of its Swedish partner Volvo grew to SKr331m ( $14m ) from SKr248m in the first quarter of 1992 .
2 For example a couple of weeks ago there was a thing on tit for tat and this week there 's a fascinating thing on snakes and female sexuality which erm illustrates er some of the points I 'll be , I 'll , I 'll be making and although as Sue rightly says erm , most of the articles in Nature are rather technical and difficult to understand if you 're not a specialist they do make concessions to the rest of us by publishing very often erm summaries er in the first part of the journal erm and there is one on this and er I can recommend that .
3 Does anybody know anything about , there 's this little note in about erm recycling paper , all sorts of paper magazines , cardboard er on the first Monday of the month .
4 One sometimes gets the impression that IBM Corp is more solicitous over the needs of its Stamford , Connecticut-based IBM Credit Corp subsidiary than it is over its own , and yesterday , in the wake of the parent 's big $285m loss , IBM Credit was able to announce that profits actually rose 0.3% at $58.3m ; the return on average equity was 20.2% , compared with 21.3% in the first quarter of 1992 and in the first three months of 1993 , IBM Credit originated financing for $1,700m of equipment , software and services for IBM 's customers and distribution channels , down 22% on the figure for the first quarter 1992 — financing for end users decreased by 45% to $600m while financing for distribution channels decreased by 1% to $1,100 , the company noted .
5 Since the , that methodology tells us that although employment has been cut erm in the first quarter of this year on our calcul er calculations in many regions of the economy with the south east particularly hard hit well in one region , the West Midlands , for the first time we 're seeing an increase in employment .
6 Erm on the first bit of the handout I 've stuck a couple of definitions of child sex abuse on , just to um give you a little bit of context an and er give you some idea of the sorts of things that people have the sorts of ways in which people are defining this phenomenon nowadays .
7 For fee-based advisers the allocation is 100.5% for the first £2,500 of premium and 105.5% of balance .
8 In the Commission 's view , the residence requirement for shareholders was also contrary to article 1(1) of the First Directive of 11 May 1960 for the implementation of article 67 of the E.E.C .
9 See for instance ex.2e from the first quintet of Die Zauberflöte , where the forceful words ‘ Hass , Verleumdung , schwarzer Galle ’ ( ‘ hatred , calumny , black gall ’ ) are reflected by a similarly forceful hail-type articulation that is indicated by clear strokes for the violins .
10 Its GDP crept up by 0.2% in the first quarter of 1993 , a rise of 0.6% on the first quarter of 1992 ; and its retail sales quickened to a 12-month increase of 4.1% in March .
11 The example below reserves an area of memory 100 bytes long and sets P% to the first byte of the reserved area .
12 Three days after the Outlook was published , however , new figures showed that America 's GDP growth slowed to an annual rate of only 1.8% in the first quarter of 1993 , down from 4.7% in the fourth quarter .
13 America 's GDP growth slowed to an annual rate of only 1.8% in the first quarter of 1993 , from 4.7% in the previous quarter .
14 At an annual rate , GDP grew by just 1.8% in the first quarter of the year ; most commentators expect growth for the year to be no more than 2.5% , if that .
15 On July 8 , European Community ( EC ) representatives signed an agreement with Husseini according to which the EC granted US$35,000,000 as the first instalment of a $54,000,000 grant for the construction of 1,200 housing units in the occupied territories .
16 The official statistics agency , Goskomstat , announced on April 19 that oil production had declined by 9 per cent during the first quarter of 1991 as compared with the same period in 1990 , and in the first half of 1991 there was a 25 per cent fall in oil exports .
17 The proportion of aluminium cans recycled in the UK increased from 11 to 16 per cent during the first quarter of 1992 , according to figures released by the Aluminium Can Recycling Association .
18 The figures deepened City anxiety over the outlook for inflation which is now expected to end the year between 7.5 and 7.75 per cent and remain above 7 per cent for the first quarter of 1990 .
19 The debt service ratio ( as a percentage of GNP ) averaged 19.3 per cent in 1990 , and 20.7 per cent for the first quarter of 1991 .
20 Its GDP crept up by 0.2% in the first quarter of 1993 , a rise of 0.6% on the first quarter of 1992 ; and its retail sales quickened to a 12-month increase of 4.1% in March .
21 The current-account deficit leaped 54 per cent from the first quarter of 1989 to a record Can .
22 The number of male drivers killed in road accidents rose by 25 per cent in the first quarter of 1990 , a fact blamed by the Automobile Association on increasingly aggressive driving by men .
23 Rhône-Poulenc 's Speciality Chemicals sector is to increase xanthan gum production at its Melle , France , site by 30 per cent in the first quarter of 1992 .
24 Despite the recession , Dior 's turnover increased by two per cent in the first quarter of 1991 , divided equally between fragrance and beauty products .
25 HPI Chairman Dr Brian Bailey said : ‘ New car sales on finance slumped by 21.1 per cent in the first quarter of 1991 , against the same three months in 1990 .
26 The package was less comprehensive than had been expected , however , for observers agreed that the options available to Lee were restricted by sharply rising inflation ( consumer prices rose by over 3 per cent in the first quarter of 1990 ) which precluded any general reduction in interest rates .
27 The yen had fallen by 11 per cent in the first quarter of 1990 , and by 25 per cent in the twelve months since March 1989 .
28 Industrial output fell by 4.5 per cent in the first quarter of 1991 compared with the same period in 1990 , falling in the engineering sector by 14.2 per cent but rising in the food industry by 13 per cent .
29 In his speech to the Supreme Soviet , the Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economic policy , Yegor Gaidar , said that Russia 's gross national product ( GNP ) , which had fallen by 11 per cent in 1991 , would fall by a further 19 per cent in the first quarter of 1992 .
30 The correlation between being Conservative and alleging anti-Conservative bias on the BBC rose from 24 per cent in the first fortnight of the campaign to 32 per cent in the second .
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