Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [vb -s] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Wendt 's income puts him on a par with Peter Wood , founder of the Royal Bank of Scotland 's Direct Line insurance company who was paid £1.84m last year , but leaves him well ahead of other leading company chairmen .
2 In the story of the rich man and Lazarus , the rich man 's wealth insulates him from the poverty and the suffering of Lazarus .
3 Sweeney 's name pronounces him of the lineage of a man who sold human flesh for butchermeat , a ‘ demon barber ’ .
4 ALAN Healsey 's wife meets him at the back door of their home every night with a dressing gown .
5 Montag 's wife reports him to the Brigade and he is forced to flee , making his way to a place outside the city described by Clarisse , where a group of people have gathered together to memorise books , keeping the words immortal .
6 Clement 's prose puts him in a higher class than any of his extant pagan contemporaries , and he was able obliquely to refute pagan critics ( such as Celsus , writing 177–80 ) who thought Christians an anti-cultural lot , by decorating his pages with a rich variety of quotations and allusions taken from classical poetry and philosophy .
7 Cronenberg 's diagnosis sends him to the underground of the breed ; a secret tribe of shape changers and weirdos persecuted by the naturals .
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