Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [vb -s] a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Certainly night is a more solemn period than day , when the withdrawal of the sun 's influence enforces a caesura to activity .
2 Here , in the Rose & Thistle Inn , in this prosperous trading-post that was the last port-of-call for traffic from Sydney , Mrs Gould 's journal reports a return to the familiar routine : ‘ employed all day making drawings ’ ( 24 September ) ; ‘ drawing all day ’ ; ‘ drew all day ’ ; while her labours were relieved by the occasional walk with her husband in the cool air of the early morning or evening :
3 And then , when I put the phone down again , it resumes its full natural flow , inside my head instead of outside , as perfectly articulate and well-modulated as only a voice inside one 's head has a chance to be .
4 ‘ STEPHEN STREET 'S music has a crispness to it that The Smiths never managed .
5 The club 's success owes a lot to the chess tradition of Queen Mary School , Walsall , which has supplied three of their first team .
6 Secondly , there is a buyer credit where a bank in the exporter 's country provides a loan to the importer .
7 Mr Charsley 's prose owes a lot to the Open University — what one might call bearded functionality or poly-correct .
8 And er , I would like to propose that this Committee , together with the National Farmers ' Union and Country Ploughmens ' Association sends a delegation to London to meet with the Minister to discuss these issues and other , our concerns .
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