Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly we do not wish to go through the same debate that we had at the greenbelt inquiry , erm but it is very relevant erm you 'll see from our submissions to the panel that er quite clearly the City Council did not agree entirely with the proposed boundary of the greenbelt , the City Council did take the view that there were certain areas of land proposed to be included in the greenbelt er which did not fulfil a greenbelt function in the Council 's view , and that was clearly was discussed at the greenbelt inquiry , it was not just one site , er we clearly were not not in our er responsibility to identify a specific site outside our district , but there were a number of areas er subject to those objections , not just from ourselves , but as Mr erm Donson has said er from various objectors .
2 I 'm delighted to welcome er the various initiatives that result from partnerships between industry and government er and in particular the investors in people which encourages training and skilling er on a life long basis and I have pleasure in confirming that that is not confined to the private sector and that today ACAS became the first civil service er body to receive the full award of Investors in People .
3 I think I think it might be s the the teeth , it 'd be worth getting the er dentist to have a wee look at your your plate ,
4 Noble Lords is whether my Right Honourable Friend i is taking too much er er power to use an unpleasant word and I think actually a wrong word er i in the appointment of those who have been selected by a different and an independent system .
5 When Granny ( or Grandpa ) comes to live with the family in old age , it will be to everyone 's advantage to encourage the close bond between them and the children , since it always contributes much to their enjoyment of life , and consequently to the happiness of the whole household .
6 I suppose it 's too much to expect a senior Queen 's Counsel to work the same hours as ordinary folk , ’ Bragg said grumpily .
7 Coming so soon after the fiasco of Barricades Week , it opened up the prospect of new opportunities in foreign policy and reinforced a determination on de Gaulle 's part to liquidate the Algerian problem as soon as possible , even at the expense of major concessions to the FLN and its government-in-exile , the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic or GPRA .
8 Something more of the requisite independence could be achieved by Berkeley 's doctrine that ideas which are not subject to our own will are produced in us by God : the independence of a real thing , its having some continuity despite interrupted perception of it , could be explained in terms of a continued readiness on God 's part to excite the requisite ideas in us at suitable moments .
9 The approach may represent an attempt on Sotheby 's part to woo the ever-increasing number of bankrupt dealers to offer their stocks at auction .
10 Sir William Wilkinson , chairman of the NCC , welcomed the Mr Patten 's decision to allow an independent chairman for the organisation after the Government 's refusal to do so only three weeks ago .
11 He is also expected to confirm Mr Hurd 's decision to ignore the European Court 's ruling against seven-day detentions under the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
12 The genesis of this strike was Pittston 's decision to leave the Bituminous Coal Operators of America with whom the UMWA had signed an industry-wide contract .
13 However , given the level of popular support for Iraq in the other countries , King Hassan 's decision to support the Egyptian line wholeheartedly was generally considered risky .
14 The court 's decision to deny the preliminary injunction was based in part on the notion that thousands of copies of 32V were disseminated and freely available back in the late 1970s , when in fact only about 250 copies were circulated , and those said to have been on tight contractual terms .
15 Its chairman is Lord Marshall , who resigned as chairman of the Central Electricity Generating Board at the end of 1989 in protest against the government 's decision to abandon the British PWR programme .
16 The agreement will cost the Basque authorities the equivalent of a total of £108 million ( $189 million ) , which is more than has ever been spent on a single cultural project in Bilbao since the city 's decision to create a Fine Art Museum in 1908 .
17 That is why we at Connoisseurs Scotland , who try to practice what we preach , warmly welcomed Scottish Secretary Ian Lang 's decision to initiate the current review of the future promotion of Scottish tourism .
18 The unanimity of the Conservative party in supporting Baldwin 's decision to join the National Government has masked the existence of growing backbench resentment on the part of protectionists .
19 No doubt you are all aware of the County FA 's decision to relegate the bottom club in Division Three after all .
20 Chevron 's decision to use a purpose-built vessel for storage poses a problem for authorities responsible for offshore safety : they will have to decide if it should be classified in the same way as a conventional ship or regarded as part of a fixed installation .
21 Much controversy has surrounded Truman 's decision to use the atomic bomb .
22 From the outside it is difficult to know whether to curse Bramante 's decision to demolish the original church — apart from the internal apse structure and the ( later ) campanile , — or to marvel at the soaring lines .
23 The Royal College of Nursing is applying to the Court of Appeal for a judicial review of Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley 's decision to hold a private inquiry into the case .
24 In this case , the question of mens rea was crucial , the defence arguing the relevance of the BBFC 's decision to refuse a national certificate in 1970 so that the film could first be assessed by a representative sample of local licensing authorities who were more closely in touch with community standards .
25 The PLO central council 's decision to form a joint delegation with Jordan was strongly criticized from within the PLO by Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) leader Georges Habash on Oct. 18 .
26 Marquand 's view is quite clear ; MacDonald 's decision to form a National government was a product of his concern for national interests :
27 It resulted in last year 's decision to close the European exploration headquarters in Glasgow with the transfer of key personnel to work from the main North Sea operational base in Aberdeen , a process which should be completed by the end of this year .
28 The first was over the board 's decision to close the senior staff dining-room and require staff to eat in the staff canteen : Fred apparently thinks you initiated this policy , and resents the fact that he will no longer be able to produce a limited number of high-quality meals and thus ingratiate himself with the senior staff .
29 The first was over the Board 's decision to close the senior staff dining room .
30 It follows 's decision to replace the coal-fired station near Newark with a gas one .
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