Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The violence reached a peak in August and September and threatened to disrupt the ANC-government talks , with ANC leaders questioning the government 's willingness to act against the perpetrators of the violence and alleging that members of the security forces were involved .
2 The appearance of the two documents , and the Government 's intention to legislate upon the proposals they contained , dealt a sideways , but nonetheless mortal , blow to Brooke 's Royal Commission which was simultaneously subjecting the entire penal system to critical review .
3 A second factor weakening the Heath government 's attempt to dictate to the unions on the basis of its ‘ mandate from the nation ’ was the rather agnostic attitude taken up by large employers .
4 Mr Perez de Cuellar described South Africa 's attempt to interfere with the elections as ‘ highly problematical ’ , and announced new procedures for the vote , over four days beginning on 7 November .
5 The girl was one of the first in the country to use new powers granted to minors under the Children 's Act to apply to the courts for permission to live where they wanted to .
6 This largely stems from the current government 's reluctance to intervene in the workings of the market because , intervention by public authorities in lawful commercial transactions should be kept to a minimum , since broadly speaking the free commercial decisions of private decision-makers result in the most desirable outcomes for the economy as a whole .
7 The cause of Union Discount 's failure to recover on the bills was Esal 's and Berg 's failures .
8 On the company 's failure to comply with the notices , informations were laid and summonses issued alleging breaches of s.107 of the Public Health Act 1936 .
9 Given the appellant 's failure to comply with the requirements of the hostel regime , the court was entitled to leave that alternative out of account and assess the dangerousness of the appellant on the basis of his offences and reluctance to participate in treatment .
10 Would the retailer 's failure to warn of the dangers amount to reasonable examination ?
11 The murder was also revenge , the statement went on , for ‘ the suspicious calls for co-existence and normalisation of relations with the entity of the Israeli enemy ’ — a clear reference to President Mubarak 's desire to talk to the Israelis about a Palestinian state .
12 Man 's desire to fly like the birds had existed for hundreds of years but with the advent of the internal combustion engine , the chances of achieving some sort of flight appeared to be improved .
13 In the abbey church of St Hilary in Poitiers where , four years earlier , Earl Patrick of Salisbury had been buried , he took his seat in the abbot 's chair to receive from the hands of the Archbishop of Bordeaux and the Bishop of Poitiers the sacred lance and banner which were the insignia of the ducal office .
14 Chopping from a celebrity to a caricature , mixing expert opinion with commonsense pronouncements , it underlined Labour 's claim to appeal across the classes by featuring a cross-section of the population in the simplest electioneering format of all .
15 So crucial a part was Gen Robertson 's signal to play in the events which are the subject of this report that it will be considered in a separate chapter .
16 It is Alastair Morton 's style to gloss over the tribulations of the Channel tunnel — such is the Eurotunnel co-chairman 's faith in the project .
17 When he eventually leaves that employer how far can the latter control the ex-employee 's ability to deal with the clients which he brought with him .
18 The financing of local government is er again circumscribed , local government 's ability to respond to the needs of the community it serves as it and its electors deem appropriate is being curtailed yet again and of course local government is losing its independence to central government and this centralising tendency which this settlement further represents is one of the most pernicious and corrosive characteristics of the modern Conservative party .
19 It was a brilliant display of this team 's ability to cope with the difficulties imposed by introducing a new chassis and engine .
20 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
21 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
22 Provisions not identified below as being required by the Companies Act or as being necessary to ensure a practice 's ability to comply with the Rules are simply suggested by way of guidance ; practitioners should be aware that other approaches may be taken to the matters covered by such provisions .
23 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
24 He told the social work committee that Sheriff Kearney 's report , published last October , had affected Fife 's ability to compete in the jobs market .
25 Nevertheless , and no doubt too slowly , illusions of grandeur were slowly given up and Britain 's incapacity to live with the superpowers was to a degree accepted .
26 Reports in the Sudanese media in early April had said that the government 's agreement to participate in the talks came in return for an agreement by the Kenyan government to withdraw material and moral support from the rebel groups .
27 Well I was thinking of things like witchcraft , which would seem a rather a luxury fringe subject , but some of the most fascinating research that 's been done recently in my period of early modern history has been showing how witchcraft erm was the second most important erm crime to come before the courts apart from theft in , in my period , and in exploring why witchcraft had this appeal you 're learning much more about the age .
28 Arsenal 's goalless home draw with negative Ipswich illustrated how badly their confidence has been affected by their strikers ' failure to convert of the strikers to manufacture enough scoring chances — and Graham looks ready to go back to basics .
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