Example sentences of "[unc] [noun sg] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yonge 's father sat in Richard Cromwell 's Parliament and at the Restoration was active for religious comprehension .
2 Look in any Golf Club professional 's shop or at the advertisements in any golfing magazine and you will see everywhere the implication that ‘ professional ’ clubs need to be different from those used by ordinary golfers .
3 Between mouthfuls they exclaimed at Sara 's cleverness and at the tastiness of the fish .
4 Nor did she manage to swoon at the sound of Elvis 's voice or at the mention of Big Bopper .
5 A policeman and a man 's man and at the heart of it , a blunt Irish cop in New York .
6 He had fought and intrigued successfully against the rebel barons of his father 's reign and at the end of it he had acted as viceroy until he took off on crusade again in 1270 .
7 The Sonata in A minor K.310/300d ( 25 ) was written in the summer of 1778 , following his mother 's death and at a time when he was parted from Aloysia Weber .
8 The South Korean ambassador in Washington , John M. Chang , visited the State Department on 20 January and conveyed anxiety at Acheson 's speech and at the House vote :
9 Secondly , he may provide for the premium to be decapitalised , either at a fixed number of years ' purchase or at the rate prevailing at the time of the subletting , with the amount thus calculated being added to the rent reserved by the sublease for the purposes of the rent review under the headlease .
10 Victory , perhaps to their own surprise , now seemed almost within the invaders ' grasp but at a Council of War , held at the prince 's headquarters in Exeter House , Derby , on the morning of Thursday 5 December , Lord George Murray , whose tactics so far had been masterly , astounded his fellow-commanders by remarking that ‘ the first thing to be spoken of was how far it was prudent to advance further ’ .
11 Controversy surrounded the release in January 1991 of four Belgian hostages in Lebanon [ see p. 37977 ] , when it emerged that Walid Khaled , the spokesperson in Lebanon of the extremist Revolutionary Council of Fatah ( RCF ) who had helped negotiate their release , had been granted a three-month tourist visa on Jan. 11 , one day before the hostages ' release and at a time of great international tension because of the Gulf crisis .
12 Between 1983 and 1987 he served successively in the government whips ' office and at the Department of Health and Social Security , entering the Cabinet in the latter year as Chief Secretary to the Treasury [ see pp. 35271-72 ] ; after briefly holding the post of Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary in mid-1989 [ see p. 36819 ] , he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in October 1989 following the sudden resignation of Lawson [ see pp. 36982-83 ] .
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