Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 And it should be possible to apply it to any available material , without the need of programmes specially constructed for the purpose .
2 It should be possible to convert it to other BASICs without too much difficulty .
3 Your son 's teacher should be able to refer him to an educational psychologist who 'll try to find out why he acts as he does , and how he can be helped .
4 If it does not , then you need to be retrained into a normal breathing pattern , and your family doctor should be able to refer you to someone ( eg a physiotherapist ) who can do this .
5 Once he hits on the right track he should be able to follow him to the place where he leaves the food and then watch who picks it up .
6 MAS procedures when associated with an Information memorandum containing projections should be sufficient to enable us to be satisfied that the vendor has not recklessly included information which it does not have reasonable grounds to believe is correct .
7 It should be sufficient to take them to a final with Winterbottom and company on May 2 .
8 Consideration of these facts should be enough to alert us to the possibility that the totality of our being may be much more than just the physical body , and that we may not be in any sense only machines .
9 The approach speed must be correct to allow you to Stop and Give Way at the single broken white line if necessary .
10 The desiderata for a good background at this point were that it must be perceived by the measuring instrument as significantly darker than the subject , it must be cheap and readily available , and it must be easy to mould it to the growth boxes , fix it to the wall , etc .
11 Whichever method you select you must be able to justify it to the company in order to recover your expenses .
12 If coin 's so short , it might be simpler to offer me to Owen just as I am , in exchange for Mortimer .
13 Similarly , if a child with bacterial diarrhoea is taken to a health clinic and prescribed a necessary course of antibiotics , the mother might be unwilling to give them to the child if her hot/cold classification of the antibiotics conflicts with her classification of the type of diarrhoea .
14 When Donald examined his wire in the last stages of the illness it might be necessary to lead him to a medical textbook and steer those calm , grey eyes in the direction of the chapter headed ‘ The Guillain-Barré Syndrome ’ .
15 It might be prudent to put it to the test .
16 I think it was Michel who said , ‘ It might be cheaper to connect it to a flight simulator ’ .
17 It would be impertinent to say that to N C V er , to I B M , but it might be appropriate to say it to some of the less enlightened firms , or , should John be taking a similar line , in other words , how interventionist would you like either government or N C V O speaking on behalf of the vol voluntary sector to be , in pressing the business sector to have an overall and agreed strategy rather than the individual and enlightened strategy you put forward .
18 But it was not a great deceit , after all , and perhaps one day she might be able to explain it to them , and apologise , but for the present matters could not have arranged themselves much better .
19 well you remember er when we sat down this evening I said there was a couple of ways that you could help me , one of these ways was that er you might be able to introduce me to one or two of your friends and I can run through the same ideas with them .
20 Very well , convey my congratulations to General Froebe — I 'm sure he 'll be anxious to convey his to me for the sake of protocol . ’
21 At this rate we 'll be lucky to make it to Makassar before the next monsoon ! "
22 Er the idea was we 'd be able to sell it to people or give it to people depending on whether they had any money or not I suppose by the Green Party .
23 Where the value of the intangible asset is at an all-time low , it may be possible to sell it to an IOFC operation and realise a capital loss in the selling location .
24 For example , if a trade is wrongly allocated , it may be necessary to transfer it to the correct account .
25 If the tooth is loosened in its socket , modern dental surgery may be able to fix it to adjacent teeth .
26 You may be able to keep us to the straight and narrow .
27 Finally , as they near the Sargasso , the imprinted memory of the particular taste of those strange waters may be sufficient to lure them to the very same semi-stagnant tract of ocean where they hatched , just as adult trout are led to their own birth-places .
28 If it was agreeable with Ellie , he would be delighted to escort her to dinner and the opera on Saturday .
29 If he is unable to breathe spontaneously it would be cruel to subject him to positive pressure ventilation to prolong his life artificially .
30 When you consider that we have a mortgage book of roughly £50 billion , you can see that it would be impossible to offer it to all our borrowers .
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