Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] into the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 His position was itself controversial since he argued that former Stasi members should be integrated into the police force and the Interior Ministry to avoid their becoming a potential terrorist threat .
2 Compost should be pushed into the crevices and plants securely anchored until established .
3 He drew the logical conclusion : in order to bring in the harvest , school children , students , and even soldiers should be sent into the fields to collect the fruits of the earth regardless of their lack of agricultural training ‘ as was customary before ’ !
4 Any concerns which have surfaced in these other areas should be brought into the negotiations .
5 Air must be pumped into the uplifts , preferably near the base .
6 Some firms that make TV sets like the idea of the tree and branch system because it means that profitable electronics must be built into the receivers which they sell .
7 Were it to do so , literally hundreds of thousands of people would tonight not be sitting at home frightened about whether they might be dragged into the courts and on to prison .
8 and this is where it really matters and really counts , what are the army saying to new recruits who might be going into the careers ' office , army careers ' office tomorrow ,
9 Much of this was not respectable but at least it showed that popular music and humour could be channelled into the conventions of legitimate theatre .
10 The upper floors of the storage shed were also at inconvenient levels and the discovery of wholesale decay in this joisted construction supported a policy of removing these elements and replacing them with a new upper-floor set at a level which could be extended into the roundels to give adequate headroom in the new ground-storey rooms , while ensuring that the four upper-storey bedrooms located in these projections had a sufficiently deep vertical wall surface to accommodate conventional windows .
11 He argues that most of the world 's production of the gas could be pumped into the oceans , thereby preventing it from contributing to global warming .
12 The waste could be dropped into the seas from capsules that , would open when they hit the sea floor .
13 These slaves could be admitted into the ranks of the sultan 's ‘ New Troops ’ — the yeniçeri or janissaries .
14 Clearly a great variety of difficulty could be introduced into the tests .
15 The professorship is tenable until retirement , subject to the provisions of the statute concerning the Visitatorial Board and also subject to any relevant provisions which may be introduced into the statutes as a result of the implementation of the Education Reform Act 1988 .
16 Terms may be implied into the rules from the conduct of the parties , the nature of the rules themselves , business efficacy , trade usage , or a previous course of dealing .
17 Specifically , I did predict that oil would be pumped into the waters of the Gulf .
18 The petrol fumes could be far more dangerous to your fish , especially as they would be pumped into the tanks by your air pump , as well as settling on the water .
19 I would be fed into the police computer , where it would join the details already stored by the hundreds of other crossings we had made .
20 It made you want to shout out a warning , except that the shout , too , would be pulled into the stitches , given colour , made immobile , inaudible , part of the helpless horror .
21 Crawford ensured that no one under fourteen would be allowed into the performances because of the strong language and much hopping in and out of bed — and he banned his grandmother .
22 Under the new system all of those services would be put into the hands of three authorities within the existing county boundaries .
23 ‘ In many ways it would be playing into the hands of the terrorists if you make daily life unbearable in the capital . ’
24 The remainder is the amount of fabric which will be fitted into the pleats .
25 Aegon will pay £200m — about half of which is good-will — which will be injected into the with-profits fund for the benefit of the current and future policyholders invested into that fund .
26 The energy thus captured by the atom will be discharged into the molecules that surround it .
27 PARENTS and governors will be initiated into the mysteries of mathematics as New College Durham mounts a series of courses on the National Curriculum .
28 In a wider context a quantity of labour will be forced into the sectors of the economy where there is less rigidity .
29 For the moment our principal concern will be to enquire into the forces which produce deviations of p , from , .
30 If a beach is ridged at right angles to the land the swash will diverge from the ridges into the furrows , while the backwash will be concentrated into the furrows , thus leading to scouring in them .
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