Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [pers pn] just [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well could n't we just have a few things
2 Could n't you just leave the whisky , I 'll drink it all , wake up in the morning no , make that the afternoon — with a head that feels like you hit me over the skull with the bottle , and you sleep in the car ready for that long and demanding journey down the notoriously dangerous A74 tomorrow ? ’
3 Could n't he just have a tractor ? ’
4 So why could n't he just have a photograph of his sales team portraying the kind of team spirit that runs throughout the branch ?
5 So why , why , why ca n't you just erm why ca n't they just take a bit off everybody in that case and , and inflict the same degree ?
6 Ca n't we just do a premium holiday on them ?
7 Ca n't we just put a clause
8 Ca n't you just build a new bridge then ? ’
9 Ca n't you just do a find ?
10 Ca n't you just do the work you 're paid for ? ’
11 Ca n't you just get a train into London ?
12 Ca n't you just hear the children 's playful squabbles at the rabbit hutches over whether to have that fluffy grey one as a pet , or as a casserole ?
13 Why ca n't you just use a task request form that says .
14 Ca n't you just accept a fact ? ’
15 I know you can , but really I ca n't I just want a detailed like , even a detailed train map .
16 I paid good money for that , I said , ca n't I just have a last go on it ?
17 Ca n't I just have the other one , cos I got that one right ?
18 Ludens thought , why ca n't I do that , why ca n't I just ask a woman to hold my hand , why ca n't I ask Franca to !
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