Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] at the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , variation in a character must exist at the outset of the evolutionary process .
2 In fact in Duru [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 2 the Court of Appeal thought that both charges in relation to the thing in action represented by the cheque and to the paper itself were to be upheld but the judges ' minds were not directed at this issue whether property must exist at the time of the obtaining .
3 ‘ Trade union involvement must remain at the heart of the party but it must be based far more on individual choice and decision rather than through the exercise of a block vote , ’ he said .
4 My view ( the view of a confirmed industrial privatizer ) was that the National Health Service should remain at the centre of our health-care system and that politically we would reap the whirlwind if we could be portrayed as moving away from it .
5 This will help to avoid clouds of falling soot from blowing into the room through the air vent which you must install at the bottom of the closed flue .
6 It is not a condition of the relief that a trainee must qualify at the end of a course .
7 Cooke was due to slip below Prean on the next list , which should appear at the start of the New Year , but unless there is a rapprochement between the player and the ETTA , whose chairman is Prean 's father John , the rankings will have lost much of their meaning .
8 There is no compelling reason why a Bill should lapse at the end of a parliamentary session .
9 Partnerships should look at the case for an education service , in terms of the opportunities it presents for sensible planning , provision for population migration and demographic change , best use of scarce and expensive resources , effective curriculum and professional development , smooth transition between the ages and stages of education , and quality education for all those with special educational needs .
10 My hon. Friend should look at the licence as a whole .
11 Anyone doubting this should look at the size of the GEM menus on a 19″ monitor !
12 ‘ To do so they should look at the yield of the shares and the strength of the company 's management , ’ he said .
13 That it 's time perhaps that we should look at the role of bankers and see whether or not they should have a wider duty than at present .
14 you would have more information on that than Milvia would have for that , after they done the SATS and they 're marked reports have to be sent out , we must report at the end of key stage three .
15 We must begin at the point of the individual 's , or group 's , needs and perceptions .
16 MAJOR rebuilding work on the Dolphin Centre , Darlington should begin at the end of next month .
17 I do n't think we should look for fundamental changes now but we must look at the configuration of services
18 We look at the sun through smoked glass ; we must look at the past through coloured glass .
19 Thus the examiner must look at the bottom of the page as well as the top in order to find his way to the new question .
20 To overcome this barrier , I suggest , one must look at the approach in action ; only then will it be possible to see what it has achieved , and to assess what it might achieve if taken on its own terms .
21 We must look at the behaviour from a properly defined structural viewpoint .
22 In order to ascertain whether or not a particular trust is or is not charitable you must look at the preamble to the statute of Elizabeth I , the Charitable Uses Act 1601 and the classification by Lord Macnaghten in Commissioners for the Special Purposes of Income Tax v. Pemsel and the reported cases generally .
23 One must look at the quality of life that diabetics and their carers have .
24 First we must look at the situation in Vietnam .
25 To describe how arithmetic is performed on the IBM 1401 , we must look at the representation of characters a little more closely .
26 We must look at the fear with our eyes and heart , and begin to bring calm to the storm of our emotions .
27 First of all we must look at the importance of exercise in relation to our health .
28 The Soviet Union had sent a memorandum on Oct. 11 to UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuellar , urging that this committee should meet at the level of chiefs of staff [ see p. 37640 for its reactivation in August ] .
29 Adoptive children should nurse at the breast of one of the immediate family in order to have the freedom of the family when they are adult .
30 Anyone interested should call at the station at 7pm on a Thursday evening when an officer will be available with more information .
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