Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] at the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It was no use putting it off and she was sure that Ana should know at the same time .
2 If we look back to the middle years of the nineteenth century and to the debates about the extension of the franchise to the working class then hopes were expressed as to how voters should behave at the same time as there was anxiety and fear as to how they would actually behave .
3 The new Civil Code tried to adjust this anomaly by laying down that the right of ownership should lapse at the same time that the right of revendication lapses .
4 However , although the resolutions of Congress specified that the revolution in Latin America could only be democratic-bourgeois at this stage , they also said that , because of the weakness of the national bourgeoisie and their links to imperialism , Latin American Communist parties should work at the same time for the eventual dictatorship of the proletariat .
5 Government must decide at the same time how much to spend and how to pay for spending .
6 Harman J decided that the injunction restraining a breach of confidence should expire at the same time as a restrictive covenant .
7 ‘ What we must have at the same time is a greater level of consistency and the kind of spirit that was evident against Rangers . ’
8 No , they it 's the council collects it and in Uttlesford , that 's why I said we should get at the same time an Uttlesford councillor because I would
9 However , Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that 'll appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
10 I 'll call at the usual time next Tues .
11 Furthermore , loss of a spouse may occur at the same time as other bereavements .
12 At peak capacity some 56 people — seven teams of eight surgical staff — could work at the same time .
13 I assumed they would all have been stowed in one corner of the hold and would reappear at the same time .
14 Students progressing satisfactorily in the standard full-time mode of study , holding a local education authority grant , will graduate at the normal time .
15 NT tools will appear at the same time , although drivers for Microsoft 's Open DataBase Connectivity tools , ODBC , should be released during the third or fourth quarter of 1993 .
16 However Microsoft is expected to offer a single-user version of SQL Server for NT that will appear at the same time as the operating system which , according to reports , may cost less than $1,500 , and will be targeted at value-added resellers , integrators and corporate developers .
17 NT tools will appear at the same time , although drivers for Microsoft 's Open DataBase Connectivity tools , ODBC , should be released during the third or fourth quarter of 1993 .
18 Thus the risk of loss or damage ( other than that caused by late delivery or the seller 's negligence ) will pass at the same time as the passing of property .
19 Microsoft Corp says its NT-based version of SQL Server will ship in the third quarter with full multi-processor support ; SNA server gateway will arrive at the same time , while products from its Hermes network management technology effort , will appear in the fourth quarter .
20 ‘ If it telephones , ’ he thought , ‘ I think it will telephone at the same time as last night . ’
21 Afterwards I will have to knock on other doors but I am sure that yet again the right door will open at the right time .
22 His new venture , The Champion , opening in early June , will close at the traditional time of 3.30am .
23 Although the demand for other goods and services may increase at the same time , this does not immediately help the obsolete ship-builders .
24 ( 2 ) The loans must be to defray expenditure incurred in acquiring ordinary share capital of a close company complying with s13A(2) as described above , or in lending to such a close company where the money loaned is used wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its business or the business of any of its associated companies provided the latter are also close companies satisfying the conditions of s13A(2). ( 3 ) When interest is paid on the manager 's loan , Newco must continue to comply with s13A(2) — this means it must continue to satisfy the relevant purpose test rather than that it should continue to remain a close company ; in the case of a purchase of shares in Target , the reason why Newco should be close after the institutions commit to invest is to ensure that institutions and management can invest at the same time and that , at that time , Newco is both close and satisfies the relevant purpose test , ie already controls Target ; management can not commit Newco to acquiring Target until the institutions have committed to funding Newco , and once they have so committed the institutions are likely to control Newco under s416 , so a structure is needed whereby management also controls Newco at this point .
25 Two-stage tendering , for instance , means negotiation with a contractor can progress at the same time as the production of detailed design information , thereby shortening the total period necessary in which to complete the pre-contract work .
26 listening to the mi in the mi if you plug the earphones in there you can hear at the same time what 's being recorded .
27 The final point I want to make Mr Deputy Speaker which I think is very , very important indeed , bearing in mind that fact that so few people bothered to vote in these is is there any possibility that before these regulations come into effect we can have at the same time , a little pamphlet put out saying exactly what these additional M E Ps and the existing ones actually can do .
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