Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [pron] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
2 The persons who wish to issue a prospectus must make their submissions to the Authority on the basis of uberrimae fidei .
3 The basic negotiating position of the United States , presented to the IMF in November 1972 , was that countries should peg their currencies to the SDR , but that they would be obliged to devalue or revalue if their reserves fell below or rose above certain predefined warning levels .
4 Similarly , the board of the selling company must consider its responsibilities to the company , its shareholders , its employees and , where insolvency is a possibility , its creditors .
5 Nevertheless , the 1980 Act makes it abundantly clear that , though districts are the development control authorities , they must direct their decisions to the implementation of the structure plan for their area .
6 I know that the hon. Member is trying to keep in order , but he must direct his remarks to the Bill and the revival motion .
7 They must present their arguments to the public , using whatever honest strategies they consider appropriate .
8 Anybody who wants to communicate with Ken should send their letters to the What Personal Computer office — you 'll find our new address at the front of the magazine .
9 Anybody who wants to communicate with Ken should send their letters to the What Personal Computer office , at the usual address .
10 First know your boundaries , since you must limit your operations to the exact area allowed to you .
11 Hearing-aid wearers should switch their aids to the ‘ T ’ setting .
12 And we must mould our lives to the good in us .
13 Ideally both the managing director of the company and the principal should put their names to the agreement , rather than , say , the training manager and the industrial liaison officer .
14 Under the new Extra Statutory Concession , the conditions for a blanket election to be accepted are that the firm must have at least 50 partners ( or fewer if at least 20 partners are not resident in the UK ) , and new partners must add their names to the election .
15 The dynamic forms of these moduli are more difficult to arrive at and we must retrace our steps to the three-element model in order to introduce the concept of complex modulus .
16 As an additional safeguard , you may refer your concerns to the Solicitors ' Complaints Bureau , whose details can be obtained from us .
17 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
18 I think I 'll confine my questions to the disappearance of the Englishman .
19 I think there 's no doubt , there 's a meeting on Thursday night Mr Chairman , and I 'll refer your comments to the meeting .
20 I might lead your men to the fugitive . ’
21 The doctors say it should be scrapped , and an MEP says she 'll raise her objections to the road in the European Parliament next week .
22 The only uniformity of practice that the Board of Education desires to see in the teaching of Public Elementary schools is that each teacher should think for himself and work out for himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to the best advantage and be best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school .
23 ‘ I could bring your views to the attention of the Vice President in charge of Overseas Operations ’ he added placatingly .
24 His local knowledge proved indispensable when he was a firefighter because he could guide his colleagues to the scene of a ‘ shout ’ as accurately as he could deliver a letter .
25 So I 'd be very grateful therefore if er you could put your minds to the options and erm we could discuss that at the next board meeting .
26 She could shut her eyes to the future and be content to share the present with him , as her body longed to do .
27 Armies would leave Lebanon this way in the future , firing into its hinterland to persuade themselves that they could abuse their tormentors to the end .
28 Litigants may not argue on its basis before a local judge , but they may take their cases to the European Commission after they have exhausted all locally available remedies .
29 I sought guidance earlier , Mr. Deputy Speaker , and was advised that one could speak on anything in the Queen 's Speech , but if that is incorrect I shall confine my remarks to the council tax .
30 On 23 June , Charles and Louis sent envoys with final offers : the Frankish heartlands should be divided three ways , but Louis would give up his claims to the Franconian lands west of the Rhine , around Ingelheim and Mainz , while Charles would yield his claims to the region between the Charbonnière Forest and the Meuse .
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