Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mr Fallon should stop playing politics with employment in this town . ’
2 That the semi-official history of the party should have eschewed discussion of Conservatism as an ideology is not surprising , but a prominent British Marxist scholar has conceded that ‘ the Tory tradition is not best understood as a tradition of ideas ’ and the introduction to a recent collection of essays on Edwardian Conservatism also accepts that ‘ Conservatism is not an ideology , but a frame of mind , an outlook , a general approach ’ .
3 I did n't go till about half ten ah no cos I had a few letters and stuff to write first and I thought right I 'll just take me time and , cos I wanted to I did n't wan na go faster than you know than I should , I should have done sort of thing cos I wanted to time it properly .
4 Miller must have sent word to Bartram that Figures of Plants would be coming , as , in April 1755 , only one month after initial publication , John Bartram wrote to express grateful anticipation .
5 Aunt Margaret must have covered pad after pad with their scribbled story .
6 160 , and to us in this court , he imagined that the judges must have assumed jurisdiction by virtue of their inherent power to determine who may and who may not plead at the Bar before them .
7 Wycliffe thought that time had passed the place by , that history must have piled day upon day , year upon year , in peace and quietude .
8 He was apprenticed as a monumental mason and so must have added literacy in English to his native Manx .
9 But the plaintiffs , local authorities and anti-nuclear associations must have abandoned hope of success long ago .
10 Editor , — The guidelines of the joint working party of the Hospital Infection Society and the Surgical Infection Study Group are valuable in detailing the precautions that surgical staff should take to prevent transmission of hepatitis B and C viruses and HIV .
11 Sampling must mean abandoning certainty for probability , but this is not any great problem if sampling is correctly carried out , since the margins of probable error can be calculated in many instances .
12 Ah , ’ she murmured , ‘ I must go to see cook about dinner . ’
13 Tukey suggests that , if a line is sketched to fit the points , ( 1 - slope ) will yield the power which should help promote equality of spread .
14 Readers might like to support Compassion in World Farming which is approaching the final stages of an international petition to the European Parliament , seeking proper protection for animals .
15 Babysitting circles are a good way of making sure you can get a babysitter when you want one , but they do involve some effort on your part — you 'll have to do babysitting in exchange !
16 I 'll have grated cheese on top of mine .
17 The centres might have to go cap in hand to the Croydon college and the two sixth-form colleges in the borough asking their governing bodies to apply to the funding council for funds for vocational courses , in the hope that funds would be obtained on behalf of the adult education centres .
18 The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers , for example , might have encouraged independence of thought on the interpretation of nature as in the interpretation of Scripture .
19 the QC lab quickly developed a test so we could begin gathering information in earnest .
20 Your Worships please I 'd like to make application on behalf of Mr James Henry for a protection order in respect of the Edisford Bridge Hotel .
21 With nine she felt she could not tell whether or not she could have provided support at home because it was impossible to assess their home care potential while they were in an institution .
22 As for the claim that the older acts and the common law had allowed the imposition of harsher penalties , this was not for the simple fact of combination but for activities linked with industrial disputes that could have attracted prosecution for riot , intimidation , assault or destruction of property as much after 1799 as before .
23 It 's also ironic that the whole discussion could have taken place on radio , which would have enabled one to look for a dictionary or just take a walk round the room .
24 I 'd have to plan way in advance .
25 ‘ Or he 'd have minced meat on toast .
26 And I think I think if I had something like that , I 'd tend to write sort of zero
27 Rather than focusing on wage inflation , there are a number of short-term measures the government could adopt to encourage investment in training and equipment , without altering its fundamental anti-inflation policy .
28 For , you may have reserved ground for burial , or you may wish to be cremated , or to have a very simple funeral .
29 First , the Freedom of Information Acts give an individual a right to information possessed by the government about him or her and the government may have to justify non-disclosure in court .
30 You may have heard talk of retaliation but it 's too early to talk about that , ’ says a spokesman .
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