Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [verb] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ( The start-up of the Medical Negligence Panel should not pose the same problems as for the Personal Injury Panel .
2 ‘ It is well established that in certain cases a trading corporation may bring a suit in respect of an imputation on its trading reputation , and I see no reason why a non-trading corporation should not have the same rights as respects imputations on the conduct by it of its activities .
3 For example , it may not want the same sweets as , as the little kid , you know little kids like little kids ' sweets , and grown up kids like more grown up sweets , they may like bubble-gum and things you would n't give to a little baby .
4 Of course , the identity of the region and the regional identity of its inhabitants may not coincide : what outsiders identify as a particular region may not have the same contours as the insiders — on the outsider 's and the insider 's view , see Johnston ( 1988a , 1988b ) .
5 Now , it seems , the meteorites may not have the same origins as the Earth .
6 On the other hand she regrets the collapse of the grant-aided sector because other women like her may not have the same opportunities in the future .
7 Although they 're both experienced test pilots , it 's thought they might not have the same aerobatics experience as Western teams , like the Red Arrows .
8 Although they 're both experienced test pilots , it 's thought they might not have the same aerobatics experience as Western teams , like the Red Arrows .
9 And yet , other sites round Skelton might not have the same characteristics , with regard to environmental functions , in relation to the historic centre of Skelton , that these two have , might n't they ?
10 There is no reason why you ca n't do the same exercises each day , but obviously increasing the amount gently .
11 Part-time work , so you ca n't expect the same rates as fulltimers would get .
12 Now clearly it makes no sense you might be up to producing the Toyota Corollas in a three hundred acre plant , erm , near Derby right but we ca n't employ the same techniques in production er when we 're making agricultural why not well essentially we 're using land , we 're using land intensively alright and there comes a point when , erm you reach dis-economies of scale and start er accruing dis-economies of scale in agricultural production and that scale of plant is very , very small but after about well it depends what type of production er what type of product you 're making but , you know , there are n't many farms over five thousand hectares , now five thousand hectares is a huge farm , it 's massive alright but it still only produces a fraction of , say U K output cos there 's several million hectares of erm but the reason why you do n't see these very large farms is that you just do n't reap the economies of scale alright , because essentially we need land erm and you 're farm gets so big that it would take you half the day to drive your combine harvester over to the , the other side of th your farm just to erm , to harvest the , the wheat right .
13 We ca n't use the same things twice ?
14 That is , he will not make the same judgements as he would make if he were viewing the scene itself .
15 Jackson — forced to pull out of last year 's World Championship final when he suddenly suffered shoulder spasms minutes before the race — declared : ‘ I wo n't make the same mistakes again .
16 Yes , but you wo n't get the same connections will you ?
17 Go about things in the right way and you wo n't have the same worries again .
18 Local authorities are also facing an increasing number of fines and compensation orders placed on them by magistrates when children in their care cause damage in the community , even though they can not exercise the same rights of control as parents .
19 ‘ I can not share the same rooms . ’
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