Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [art] good " in BNC.

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1 Teenage farm workers are particularly sensitive to their image at an age when they are dating girls who may or may not hope for a better future than that of a farm worker 's wife .
2 is that a person who acts as a representative of another is in a conflict of interest situation if , either at the time when he accepts appointment or subsequently while he acts as a representative , there is a material interest of his own or of a third person for whom he also acts , and the pursuit or protection of that interest would create a substantial risk that he may not act in the best way to pursue or protect the interest of the person he represents .
3 Opening a brewery at a time when Britain 's drinkers are supping less beer than they used to might not seem like a good idea .
4 Nutty could not think of a good answer and nor could Mr Sylvester , so Nails was allowed to come .
5 You could not ask for a better curtain-raiser to the day 's racing .
6 It is time that your creative talents were developed alongside individuals who are of like mind and outlook , and you could not wish for a better planetary set-up to further your aims and ambitions : the past few years have taught you all you need to know about self-survival .
7 Putting his arm around his wife 's shoulder , he added : ‘ When I came down the drive to see you I could n't think of a good reason to give you for splitting up .
8 I could n't think of a good reason why not so I ushered him towards the stairs and told him I lived in Flat 3 .
9 ‘ I want to have a full career here and I could n't think of a better way to do that .
10 Sorvino could n't think of a better reason to get away from the ice-pick drone of the alarm .
11 I could n't think of a better place to end this leg of the tour than Belfast . ’
12 We think you 'll agree — you could n't wish for a better match .
13 ‘ Sure I could n't wish for a better husband for her . ’
14 You could n't wish for a better place to work .
15 The chap is very very experienced , he knows what he 's doing and he 's he you you could n't ask for a better worker really but yes d I I do believe he 's got a problem with his eyesight .
16 Maybe its a bit difficult for people with either a non UK sense of humour ( I include you Irish folks in UK … sorry guys , but could nt think of a better description …
17 I ca n't think of a better meal than an omelette with salad and French bread .
18 We ca n't think of a better guarantee that you 'll get what you pay for .
19 So wh what I 'm saying is erm , our modern view , the consequence of this is our modern view of evolution and I ca n't think of a better way to illustrate it than this , is that organisms ultimately are , can really been seen , rather like this .
20 You and the good doctor are thick as thieves , and I ca n't think of a better man for you . ’
21 It 's no five star hotel … but the volunteers on a work week at Didcot Railway centre ca n't think of a better place to spend their dream holiday .
22 I mean everything is , is well , regimented , I ca n't think of a better word
23 If one of these sub-systems does not work properly it will affect the working of the system as a whole and the motor car will not function to the best of its abilities .
24 If you try to press petals from a rose that is still closed , the petals nearest the centre will be so tightly curled that they wo n't press into a good shape , and you will have wasted your rose .
25 ‘ I am anxious that you should stay here until I return and I can not think of a better way of making sure you do than by putting you in charge of my property , ’ he explained .
26 I note in passing , however , that , when it comes to squandering the nation 's money , I can not think of a better example than the enormous amounts squandered by the Government in setting up the machinery for the administration of the poll tax , which is now to be totally unwound .
27 The answer is one of two things — a Labour government which he can not influence for the good , or a Labour government which he turns out in a few months , provoking another election .
28 Canadian Pound told a breakfast press conference for journalists : ‘ The best of riders can not win without a good horse — you could put a dog on a horse and it would still win . ’
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