Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus by changing Bank rate the authorities could directly change banks ' interest rates .
2 By day a woman could safely walk Brussels ' streets , but at night the pavements became dangerous .
3 None of this is to deny that we may often regard doctors ' claims to special privilege with some cynicism and distrust .
4 Erm , so that , that 's the line that er , from a personal point of view I would erm , I would take , but I would obviously want members ' views on that one .
5 But it is not likely that the mere provision of information would necessarily alter sentencers ' practices .
6 An analogy which would better express Aquinas ' view compares the universe to a number of objects , say a pile of books on a table .
7 This option would best suit farmers ' sons , provided : ( a ) the farm could spare them , and ( b ) employment was available .
8 We shall now apply Gauss ' law and take the surface of integration at a radius
9 Unfortunately , a doctor or psychologist may sometimes reinforce parents ' concern by remarking , ‘ Well , of course , he 's adopted , ’ when this has nothing to do with the matter in question .
10 Some prescribing habits may adversely affect patients ' health : systemic steroids for fever , psychotropic drugs for pain , and use of inappropriate antibiotics fall into this category .
11 This check to the growth of output and income will soon affect firms ' investment plans via the accelerator .
12 I do n't know if I will ever forgive Madness ' fans : they took away my beloved Morrissey .
13 They will also eat birds ' eggs , hen and duck eggs , slugs , millipedes , earwigs , small mammals and birds , and have even been known to attack adult hens and pheasants .
14 They will also receive publishers ' lists and can send details of any interesting books to the appropriate lawyers .
15 He will now miss Wales ' December 13 international against France .
16 By boycotting products which are overpackaged , you will ultimately change manufacturers ' methods of presenting their goods .
17 Cuts of £2.9 million to the specific grant for the development of AIDS services may seriously restrict SSDs ' ability to respond to HIV/AIDS cases from next week .
18 NEW WAYS TO DIP INTO INFORMATION Document image processing can only fulfil vendors ' claims if the right analysis and preparation are carried out before a decision to buy is made
19 But because it operates only at the level of ideas , without any attempt to specify why particular ideas are held in particular societies at particular times , other than by reference to other ideas , interactionist social psychology can only describe peoples ' beliefs , not explain them .
20 And , finally , it can officially accredit students ' learning , thus giving it public recognition and status in a way that is simply not possible for the autodidact .
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