Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [adv] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It has been argued that the artefact may perhaps best be understood as playing a series of bridging roles .
2 The words in square brackets should most definitely be included and in addition to avoid a continual stream of persons demanding access to the premises , the tenant may consider it advisable to add the following proviso at the end of this clause :
3 R should nevertheless not be forgotten that for most of its existence the World was despised by black political leaders .
4 It must also not be forgotten that we in Britain , at least , tend to get our latitudes wrong when looking across the Atlantic .
5 Lord Brougham held that a debtor should also still be imprisoned if he refused to pay what he owed when he could do so by executing a deed , or if he was culpably extravagant or reckless in contracting debts which he had no reasonable expectation of being able to pay .
6 One of the larger , more predatory species should also possibly be considered as they should mix in quite well C. managuense , motaguense , labridens , octofasciatum , bartoni , and friedrichsthalii are all well worth considering if for nothing else , because of their elongated , torpedo-shaped bodies , especially the C. managuense .
7 It was only the circumstances of the minority which brought them into conflict , and even then the rivalry should probably not be seen as inevitable .
8 It was only the circumstances of the minority which brought them into conflict , and even then the rivalry should probably not be seen as inevitable .
9 His early predictions of independence should probably not be taken as settled opinions but rather as conversational ploys : he often tried out extreme views on his audience , to test their reactions or to play out scenarios in his own mind .
10 Words like coward , stupid or effeminate should probably never be used unless the client has used that very word himself .
11 PI : Locks Warranty : In addition to withdrawing keys from locks , the keys must now also be placed where they can not be seen by a would be thief .
12 The tiny minority worth as much as £40 should almost certainly be counted as yeomen .
13 19 should no longer be understood as requiring any such investigation in the Sunday trading cases .
14 DRUG addicts and ‘ dossers ’ are being considered by the Government among groups who should no longer be counted as unemployed .
15 The ‘ opposition ’ governors imagine themselves to be more important than they really are ; they have state , not federal , responsibilities ; their comments on federal matters should therefore not be regarded as of primary importance ; and , if they were reported fully at all times , this would be giving them a greater prominence in national affairs than they deserve .
16 Though some feminists have criticised Gilligan 's work on both theoretical and methodological grounds , and its point should therefore not be taken as unquestionably proven , it is worth discussing because it has had enormous influence .
17 The division might more accurately be described as one between ‘ reactionary conservatives ’ and ‘ liberal conservatives ’ with hardly half-a-dozen genuine radicals in the Council chamber ( Archbishop Roberts was never once permitted to speak ! ) .
18 Most of them might more accurately be described as tinted pen and ink drawings than watercolours in the traditional sense .
19 But the phrase beginning bereshith in the ambiguous Hebrew might equally well be read as In a beginning , or In the beginning of creating the heaven and the earth …
20 In 1896 the ‘ Ratepayers and Inhabitants in Parish Meeting assembled [ resolved to ] hereby accord the Rev R. Burdon their grateful thanks for the very great interest he continues to show in the Parish … and hereby express their ernest ( sic ) and unanimous wish that his health might very speedily be restored and his life be prolonged for many years . ’
21 Since the new constitution was enacted in 1937 , the prohibition on divorce has become so strict that couples who have been granted a nullity decree by Roman catholic canonical tribunals have found that they may still not be recognized as single by the state , and are thus unable to remarry in the Republic .
22 If correction techniques are employed upon the list of allowable strings , the intended word may still not be found because it is sufficiently different from the entries in the existing list of allowable strings .
23 The aim is to produce more economists who can handle practical affairs seriously ; more generalists--aware in a rough way of what non economists think--by making it easier to concentrate on particular problems , so that their views may more easily be sought and comprehended ; and more theorists who plan their work in an economic manner .
24 Section 2 is for assessment and may more frequently be expected where an individual had no previous psychiatric history .
25 Therefore , much of what follows may more accurately be characterized as hypotheses of British judicial behaviour derived deductively from research into decision-making in other judiciaries and/or in non-judicial settings .
26 I 'd much rather be liked than loved .
27 They were uniform but occurred in such abundance and could so readily be transported that even when they were taken over as currency they could only serve as a rule for small change .
28 Interest-group activity could just about be tolerated as long as it was moderate and operated within the suffocating rules of the political game .
29 It turned out that mechanically drilled small holes in plywood were fringed on the inside with a little coronet of splinters which could not be removed because it could usually neither be seen nor reached .
30 England 's World Cup preparation outdoors could clearly not be ignored but , even with a weakened squad , a medal might have been in reach .
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