Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 As the skin matures these fibres become distorted , causing loss of elasticity which often results in wrinkles & lines and should be supplemented to ensure a younger , smoother look and feel .
2 An awkward bulge must be overcome to reach an easier corner , and a little higher a tiny stance .
3 If there is heavy rain , the spillways must be enlarged to allow the floodwater to escape before the dam bursts .
4 Even if cross-border mergers become a matter for Brussels - which might be expected to take a larger , continent-wide view — rather than national authorities , defence is specifically reserved for the attention of member governments .
5 There is a useful analogy here with Monte Carlo significance testing which could be used to add a further degree of inferential screening to assessing the descriptive significance of the uncertainty bands in the context of a particular application .
6 With a burgeoning caseload , too few judges , and increasing delays the courts may be tempted to block the further development of the law and to cut back on the advances already made .
7 If approval is not granted , Stewart Gallimore , principal officer at North Yorkshire SSD , fears that magistrates may be tempted to impose a tougher sentence than the offence warrants — so young women will lost out yet again .
8 The availability of the computer means that spectrum manipulation , storage and retrieval for replotting or comparison with standards are all easy , and this may be felt to justify the higher cost of interferometers .
9 If your capital or income goes up you may be required to contribute a greater share of the costs of your care .
10 Fine sandpaper may be used to achieve a finer surface .
11 The need to represent such relationships may be accommodated using a smaller list of roots ( and hence a coarser grain-size ) , and more meaningful overlaps may be the result .
12 In the event that no single party enjoys an overall majority in the Commons then the issue of sending for the Prime Minister and refusing a dissolution become matters so charged with political manoeuvring that the Crown would be drawn into politics in a public way that would be bound to invite a keener scrutiny as to what should be her proper role within the British constitution .
13 America 's allies would be expected to make a greater contribution to their own defence .
14 The bulk of the new funds would be used to assist the poorer EC countries ( Greece , Ireland , Portugal and Spain ) in meeting the conditions for EC monetary union as set out in the Treaty of Maastricht [ see p. 38658 ] .
15 The current situation is that several new themes are being worked up , and it is likely that the existing themes will be broadened to cover a wider range of engineering interests .
16 When a patient needs a transplant all possible donors will be asked to supply a further blood sample to select the donor who matches the best .
17 Women designers and planners will be empowered to create a safer , ‘ non-threatening ’ environment .
18 Model clauses for contracts and leases will be drafted to meet the higher environmental standards now expected of businesses .
19 In the following paragraphs , the term ‘ centralisation ’ will be used to mean a greater degree of central control , and ‘ decentralisation ’ to mean a greater degree of delegated authority .
20 In spite of government protestations to the contrary , privatisation lies at the heart of the proposals : commercial and voluntary sector provision will be expanded , local authority provision will contract and informal carers will be expected to carry a bigger load .
21 He is reaching the age , you see , when he will be expected to play a larger part in public affairs .
22 The laws are fairly insignificant when set beside the economic problem , and the near certainty that , even if all its present plans work out , the Government will be compelled to report a worse economic record in its third Parliament than its second .
23 However , by using the up and down arrow keys , the display area can be scrolled to access a further 6 mail titles .
24 If the injection pipette is renewed between operations , solutions can be injected using the simpler in vitro injection pipette .
25 All four rooms are linked by double-door access , Meeting Rooms 3 and 4 being divided by a partition which can be removed to create a larger meeting area , which is useful for bringing together syndicate groups .
26 The module title ( or existence string ) can be changed to provide a better explanation of the module .
27 If outside recruitment is a company feature then the age structure issue can be considered to achieve a better balance .
28 The bus that goes east from Reykjavik can be used to visit the better-known and most important sites .
29 Faced with this information , the politicians can be expected to choose the higher level of output indicated by the new equation of demand with marginal cost .
30 This also holds true for items of similar groups within the same country ; a top quality Nain will tend to be more expensive than a second-grade Isfahan ( and vice versa ) , while both can be expected to command a higher price than the average Hamadan or Heriz .
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