Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [adv] [verb] into [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In each case , therefore , the agreement between the parties or the court order should be properly carried into effect by way of a conveyance , severance , transfer or declaration of trust , the form of which is the subject of this chapter .
2 Development communicators , men as well as women , need to use their skills to reach policy makers and opinion leaders to make the case that women are key agents of development and that their needs and potential must be properly taken into account in development programmes .
3 The potential role of the mass media must be fully taken into account when planning new educational approaches .
4 And he fears Rangers could be virtually mugged into submission in the white-hot atmosphere of tonight 's match .
5 This is about the energy that would be released if a hydrogen atom could be totally converted into energy .
6 Prior to preparing the timetable we carried out a public consultation in the Livingston area to ascertain if there was any suggestions that could be gainfully incorporated into contract specifications .
7 This affected not only the fishermen ; all manner of townsfolk would be eagerly pressed into service with the onset of the mackerel or pilchard season .
8 A new policy and integrated management system has been defined , covering health , safety and environmental matters and will be progressively introduced into Group companies during 1993 .
9 When demand and supply are in stable equilibrium , if any accident should move the scale of production from its equilibrium position , there will be instantly brought into play forces tending to push it back to that position ; just as , if a stone hanging by a string is displaced from its equilibrium position , the force of gravity will at once tend to bring it back to its equilibrium position .
10 The BBC spokeswoman responded : ‘ We 're very aware of the sensitivity of the issue , and the moral and legal implications will be fully taken into account when we consider any development of the project . ’
11 The alkaloid , thebaine , can be easily converted into codeine by demethylation .
12 However , overlapping leaves , stone walls , stacked bottles , growing wheat and scudding clouds are all merely repeating shapes , which once recognised can be easily transformed into paint marks on canvas .
13 Up to 80 per cent of your credit sales can be immediately turned into cash by the simple process of factoring .
14 Pension funds can be conveniently divided into state schemes and private schemes .
15 Crop scientists at Oregon State University , led by Majid Seddigh , report that another poppy , Papaver bracteatum , produces an alkaloid that can be chemically converted into codeine , but can not be readily changed into illicit drugs ( Economic Botany .
16 Here , information on current consumer preferences can be transmitted by computer almost instantaneously from the marketplace to the factory , wherever it might be , and even design modifications or completely new designs can be electronically fed into CAD/ CAM equipment in the factory for instant production .
17 This interaction can be roughly divided into teacher-student and student-teacher interaction .
18 Broad definitions of money also include items that can be readily converted into cash .
19 This means that the banks must hold enough cash and assets that can be readily turned into cash to be able to meet any demands from their customers .
20 However , here the client has the advantage of observing the progress of the craftsmen , and his wishes can be continually taken into account .
21 Wealth , other than pension entitlements , can be quickly turned into cash or used as security against which to borrow .
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