Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Rules should be made permitting access to postal services on the same basis by all users meeting the same conditions .
2 The underlying point is that it is not every act of provocation which should be allowed to reduce murder to manslaughter , but only those serious enough to unbalance the behaviour of a person with reasonable self-control .
3 And indeed I would remind the panel that we still have in P P G one that the basis of appli applications for development should be allowed having regard to development plan and all material considerations unless proposed development would cause demonstrable harm to interests of acknowledged importance .
4 However missiles in mid flight may be headed back although , prior to this , helmets should be removed to prevent damage to the helmet plate .
5 Sustained response relies on the use of specific antihypercalcaemic agents , so the length of normocalcaemia should be measured to evaluate response to these agents .
6 Since reform was now unavoidable it must be made certain that Ireland would be included under the redistribution clauses and that the House of Lords should be restored to entrench resistance to Labour .
7 Some sort of ventilation shaft should be provided to lead air to the centre of each heap .
8 Initially , when a Charge Code is set up , it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager , but this option should be used to allocate responsibility to another user .
9 It must be packaged having regard to the contents , hazards involved , storage condition and distribution , as well as the method of use .
10 An identifier which must be supplied to gain access to a module if the user does not have the necessary privileges .
11 They might be asked to contribute information to a careers programme , or technical expertise to a science lesson .
12 Hrawi 's message was widely interpreted as a warning to Gen. Aoun that forces in West Beirut might be preparing to offer support to Geaga 's forces .
13 One faintly ludicrous example is a 1993 case where the Court of Appeal said that a sentence passed on a Mr Fairman would ‘ indicate to other people who might be minded to set fire to armchairs in the middle of a domestic row that if they do , they were likely to go to prison for as long as two years ’ .
14 Indeed the highest incidence of minority opinions was dissent by the chairman which could be said to lend weight to the second view , though a more probable explanation is that the lay members took a view on the merits which the chairman regarded as untenable in law .
15 She walked behind the main counter to the flap that could be lifted to give access to the shop itself and , leaning on her forearms , looked down on to her weekly customers and asked , ‘ Well then , what is it to be ? ’
16 In principle , the display of antibody fragments on the surface of recombinant retroviral particles could be used to target virus to cells for gene delivery , or to retain the virus in target tissues .
17 It was suggested that some form of social or governmental control could be used to ensure access to the media for all viewpoints .
18 The elder child may be made to give way to the demands of the younger one in order to keep the peace .
19 When gastrulation is completed , the cells can be divided into a small number of classes according to their future fate : they may be ‘ ectodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to the outer layers of the skin , hair , the lens of the eye , and so on ) , ‘ endodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to the lining of the gut ) , ‘ mesodermal ’ ( destined to give rise to muscle , bone , blood-vessels , and many other structures ) , or , finally , they may be destined to give rise to the brain and nervous system .
20 Budgets may be introduced to force management to formally communicate their objectives and strategies in the forthcoming periods .
21 At Thurso College these modules will form part of a course in environmental studies which may be used to provide access to further studies at Aberdeen University .
22 Alternative washing agents may be used to reduce corrosion to aluminium .
23 Editor , — As one of the two speakers criticised in Council by Mr John Chawner for saying that schemes for tax relief on child care were non-starters and a waste of health service money perhaps I may be allowed to draw attention to a debate earlier that day .
24 Immigration officials would be empowered to refuse entry to foreign nationals deemed to be economic migrants , while processing of applications for political asylum would be speeded up .
25 Since he could just make out where he was going , he decided not to use the front light , which in any case would be bound to draw attention to him .
26 To treat it separately would be to risk giving rise to the misconception that it should be separately timetabled , taught and assessed , rather than integrated in the speaking , listening , reading and writing activities of any English lesson .
27 In early September the CIA informed current employees that they would be permitted to contribute money to a legal defence fund , set up the previous month by a group of retired CIA officers to help pay lawyers ' fees for beleaguered colleagues .
28 Smoking and drug histories were taken although no patient was receiving any treatment that would be expected to give rise to DNA damage .
29 ( 2 ) The General Committee shall be asked to give authority to the Executive Committee of this party in co-operation with the National Executive Committee to secure nominations for the candidature .
30 All too soon , I regret , we shall be forced to say adieu to you and your distinguished father . "
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