Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] your [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You should prune your roses in the spring .
2 First know your boundaries , since you must limit your operations to the exact area allowed to you .
3 Ideally you should float your purchases in the bucket and gradually mix the water as you would for any newly-stocked fish .
4 Take special care with long quoted passages ( more than a couple of sentences or more than a few lines of a poem ) , as a lengthy quotation which is not then followed by detailed analysis and discussion is probably being used ( illegitimately ) as a way of replacing rather than supporting your argument ; you should guide your readers through the significance of what you have selected for their attention .
5 You should take your books into the fresh air . ’
6 As an additional safeguard , you may refer your concerns to the Solicitors ' Complaints Bureau , whose details can be obtained from us .
7 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
8 I think there 's no doubt , there 's a meeting on Thursday night Mr Chairman , and I 'll refer your comments to the meeting .
9 Stay tonight , too , I can find you everything you need overnight , and we 'll fetch your things from the pub tomorrow . ’
10 ‘ You can help Claudia , Dana , and then we 'll collect your things from the hotel , though you seem to have bought a fresh wardrobe . ’
11 Ring me , and we 'll take your calls after the six o'clock news .
12 As soon as we receive your Grand Prize Certificate of Eligibility , we 'll enter your numbers in the Draw , and we 'll let you know promptly if you win a prize .
13 I might lead your men to the fugitive . ’
14 ‘ And it 's absolutely spotless , you could eat your meals off the floor .
15 ‘ I could bring your views to the attention of the Vice President in charge of Overseas Operations ’ he added placatingly .
16 The kettlepan was erm a sauce- a thing like a saucepan with a a kettle that fitted on to the top so that you could boil your vegetables in the saucepan and boil the kettle at the same time .
17 I 'd like your recommendations for the best boiling , baking , roasting , chipping potatoes , three or four for different purposes but I 'm going to ask Walter to comment on the question first of all ?
18 So I 'd be very grateful therefore if er you could put your minds to the options and erm we could discuss that at the next board meeting .
19 Taking a deep , steadying breath , she said , ‘ I 'd be glad if you 'd put your cards on the table . ’
20 When the pierced silver colander on three legs was full you could dig your hands into the beans and trickle their cool slipperiness between your fingers .
21 In this way , you could increase your benefits from the Plan .
22 I would welcome your views on the matter .
23 I would appreciate your prayers for the following :
24 Held in the rear stalls at 6.15pm before any performance , these 20-minute chats about the music and the productions by members of the Company and other opera specialists will make your evenings at the Grand extra special — and still have time for that pre-performance drink .
25 Although tokens of affection or messages from afar will lift your spirits around the 8th , this is likely to be a month of strained relationships .
26 The angel of God ( at this stage in Israelite writing just another way of referring to God himself calls ) a second time : ‘ By myself I have sworn … because you have done this , and have not withheld your son , your only son , I will indeed bless you , and I will multiply your descendants as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore .
27 If you have any suggestions for speakers at next season 's Executive Club then drop a line to Office Talk and we will pass your ideas onto the organisers .
28 ‘ He will lead your armies against the Dark Lords . ’
29 One which , in your case , is , I realise , unnecessary , tiresome , perhaps worse — but I will explain all that , I will tell your referees of the peculiarity of this circumstance , the onus will be on me and trust me , Colonel Hope , I shall not let Amaryllis or yourself down .
30 You can concentrate your attentions on the feel and fit rather than any corrective properties of the shoe .
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