Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] your [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Help us to draw closer to others , in friendship and fellowship , so that as ambassadors for you we may convey Your message to the world today .
2 You should refer your complaint to the Manager at the branch or office where the problem has arisen .
3 I should keep your back to the wall . ’
4 I THOUGHT I should draw your attention to the Merseyside Pro Life Chain which was held in October , in the Liverpool city centre .
5 Signed in pen by Mrs S Harrison in the tenancy and accommodation section , it said ‘ Dear Mr and Mrs Wranklin , I must draw your attention to the small balance on your rent account .
6 ‘ You should sell your jewellery to the big stores , ’ said Scarlet , not for the first time .
7 Here you must find your way to the concert stage to perform loads excellent R 'n' B music .
8 If you are still not satisfied you may send your complaint to the Health Service Commissioner ( Ombudsman ) , at Church House , Great Smith Street , London SW1P 3BW .
9 Of course I 'll add your name to the list .
10 ‘ If you 're not on your feet in five seconds I 'll open your leg to the bone .
11 ‘ Oh , Sophie — if you could throw your caution to the winds .
12 ‘ Miss Kenton , I wonder if I may draw your attention to the fact that the bed linen for the upper floor will need to be ready by the day after tomorrow . ’
13 If your only answer is to pour more money on the problem then I would direct your attention to the parlous condition of other more deserving sectors of our society .
14 In answer I would draw your attention to the report from the Lakes in your April issue , where incidental mention is given to a climb named ‘ Blind Nigger ’ .
15 I am not such a fathead as to attempt to describe the pleasure of eating , but I would draw your attention to the vegetable soup cooked with a hambone ( le garbure ) , to the river trout braised in Henri IV 's favourite Juranon wine , the grilled breast of duck .
16 In this connection we would draw your attention to the General Terms — Emergency and Salvage Charges contained in both the Policy Forms .
17 Consequently , I would draw your attention to the following points : —
18 I would draw your attention to the financial review on pages 28 and 29 , which gives a detailed account of the major factors influencing this year 's results .
19 It 's for those reasons , sir , that the City Council feels that it can no longer support the proposed proposals for new settlement , just to come to your question about the issue of scale , I am not able to define what er small is in P P G three , it 's obviously been left deliberately vague , but I would draw your attention to the Ucwetec T P A study I 've just referred to which makes it quite clear in their terms that to be self contained in transport terms the nearest any settlement ne really needs to be in excess of twenty thousand people .
20 We share your concern about the lack of professional training and accreditation but would draw your attention to the joint efforts of the Association of Police Surgeons and the Association of Chief Police Officers in setting up the Durham introductory course for police surgeons .
21 We would be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above by signing the letter below and the attached copies , and returning the original letter to us .
22 I will bring your letter to the attention of the Parish Council at their meeting next week and do what I can to inform any local residents who may be interested .
23 However , I will bring your letter to the attention of the parish council at their next meeting to see whether they wish to make any further contribution .
24 We will take your pledge to the Earth Summit where it will be hung on the Tree of Life itself .
25 Then Reuben will take your maid to the servants ’ quarters . ’
26 Before moving you will be asked to agree how you will pay your share to the home .
27 If somebody can manoeuvre your tape to the receptionist , who gets it to the secretary and then to the A&R person , it has to help your chances .
28 You can take your toddler to the park one afternoon and have a happy tome together , feeding the ducks , playing on the swings , stamping in puddles .
29 If you are still not satisfied with our response you can take your complaint to the Banking Ombudsman .
30 You can tell your story to the judge . ’
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