Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] its [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the new committee should concentrate its efforts on the ends of the age spectrum and ignore the middle .
2 It is right that every household should know its rights under the NHS .
3 Similarly , the board of the selling company must consider its responsibilities to the company , its shareholders , its employees and , where insolvency is a possibility , its creditors .
4 The election of a unashamedly right-wing leader , John Smith , should free its members from the loyalty oaths of the Kinnock era , particularly if shadow cabinet jobs are crudely dished out to his supporters .
5 The Duchess of Kent on suggestions that Australia should break its links with the Queen
6 In appreciating the contemporary cultural mosaic , therefore , we must appreciate its foundations in the accommodations between communities and their environments in the creation of social structures as ‘ machines for living ’ .
7 The success of the pilot project led to a decision in principle that EESA should extend its activities throughout the city .
8 Debate centred particularly on proposals that the WEU should intensify its links with the European Communities ( EC ) , instead of acting primarily as the co-ordinating body for the European element of the NATO alliance .
9 Clearly mindful of the likelihood of a US military intervention against Castro ( on 10 April 1959 Izvestiia published an article entitled ‘ Those who dream of a repetition of Guaternala ’ ) , the Soviet Union took care throughout 1959 not to take any step which might jeopardise its negotiations with the United States .
10 There is no record of its occupying caves at any time , but it must always be remembered that a woodland species in cave country could drop its pellets from the tree in which it is roosting to fall into or near cave openings , so that even without entering a cave the pellets of such a predator could accumulate inside the cave ( see p. 96 ) .
11 Why trim the grass so short that not even a goat could get its incisors into the chlorophyl ?
12 The Court was asked whether the General Assembly could extend its powers under the Mandate system to authorise the Committee on South West Africa to grant oral hearings to inhabitants of the Territory .
13 By the end of the seventeenth century the Anglican church in England was developing institutions to serve American needs : the Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge was launched in 1699 and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1701 so that the established church could help its brothers in the colonies who were exposed to much more competition from other Protestants .
14 We may anticipate its conclusions on the basis of its predecessors .
15 The emphasis on animals as endangered species may take its roots from the historical preferences of naturalists and scientists .
16 He also stated that his government would confine its discussions with the federal government to matters of immigration , communications and labour , and would maintain bilateral relations with individual provinces on issues of mutual concern .
17 The two men were knocked aside as Corbett swung round the overturned wagon and broke into a gallop , clinging to his horse and hoping it would keep its feet on the rough rutted track .
18 However , there was no immediate indication of whether the SOC would drop its reservations about the UN peace plan , under which the SNC would assume temporary sovereignty of Cambodia during a UN-supervised transition period to free elections .
19 Qaddumi announced that it had been agreed in principle that Al-Fatah , the largest constituent group within the PLO , would re-open its offices in the Syrian capital after a break of eight years .
20 On publication of the findings , Carriers , a leading US air-conditioning and refrigerator manufacturer , announced that it would inform its clients of the dangers of HCFC-123 and was considering advising its service engineers not to work on machines containing the material .
21 Towards this end it would widen its contacts with the outside world and deepen the economic reforms already under way .
22 He was also reported to have said that Romania would downgrade its ties with the PLO .
23 IBM Corp 's Digital Domain Inc special effects — FX as they are known in the trade — company , which brings the company together with writer , director and producer James Cameron , Academy Award winning character creator Stan Winston and special visual effects studio executive Scott Ross ( CI No 2,116 ) will locate its facilities in the Los Angeles area and plans to combine the latest digital technology with a unique ‘ creator interactive ’ philosophy , IBM says , offering a full range of special visual effects services for feature films , television , commercials and simulator attractions ; high resolution moving images will fundamentally change applications and their development as we know them today , IBM reckons .
24 The fox population , like all of nature , will regulate its numbers without the revolting charade of killers attempting to justify their disgusting acts .
25 Also , if the deceased person leaves any estate , the local authority will claim its expenses from the legal personal representative .
26 This is because it is only the school and its daily managers who can assess what it can afford — and what it has to afford — to do in terms of staff time and money and because it is the school which has , in the end , to initiate any assessment of the type of community assistance which will provide its partners with the benefits they seek .
27 Labour will limit its protests to the predictable press conferences .
28 Iceland says that when it resumes commercial whaling , as it intends to do , it will withdraw its objections to the cull grenade ban .
29 If agreement is reached , Reed will sell its interests to the other three parties , who will also take over responsibility for Reed 's guarantees .
30 After the consultation period has ended the NRA will submit its proposals to the secretary of state for the environment , who will set the standards and decide on necessary improvements .
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