Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] been [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charlotte Keatley 's My Mother Said ] Never Should has been greeted with great acclaim by the male critical establishment who appear unable to apply their usual standards to the work of a young woman .
2 Neither viewpoint is absolute , but some reference should have been made to several recent studies of evolutionary rates in the Pleistocene mammals of Europe .
3 A new breakthrough should have been made in mid-1989 , when the track was used as a theme to the Jeff Goldblum/Rowan Atkinson movie The Tall Guy , in which Suggs made an appearance .
4 With no trouble in selling their products , Champagne houses should have been heartened by such healthy expansion , but theirs was a labour-intensive business , where every bottle produced was taken through each stage of a complex operation by hand .
5 It is little wonder , therefore , that during those parts of the year which were spent at Saint Cloud , Compiègne or Fontainebleau the emphasis should have been placed on greater informality .
6 It was a stupid decision , indicating only the severity of the government 's dollar crisis , and it is incredible that it should have been implemented without any discussion with the country 's major exhibitor .
7 Their lands , which had been seized by the crown in 1308 , by papal decree should have been transferred in 1312 to the Order of the Hospitallers , but in England this transfer was not carried out for some years , during which the king continued to profit from the estates .
8 As confirmation was not forthcoming , PW was unable to conclude whether Perfect Information was an associated undertaking at 31 March 1992 and should have been treated as such at 31 March 1991 .
9 It should have been played by some very good supporting character actress . ’
10 He was , in fact , a superb achiever and should have been recognized as such , and loaded with so much extra work and responsibilities that the pheasants would have been left in peace .
11 There is , of course , no reason why Baldwin should have been influenced by one motive to the exclusion of others .
12 Bernard Baruch asserted that American aid should have been channelled through American businessmen to their European counterparts , so low was his opinion of the economic policies of governments .
13 Nevertheless , the very fact that an explanation should have been created at all tells us quite a lot about the way that the human mind works .
14 Is it not totally unacceptable that when only 13 questions were answered on Welsh matters , four of them should have been asked by Hon. Members with English constituencies and that most of the questions were answered by a Member representing an English constituency ?
15 Also exempt would be a contract which could or should have been governed by one of the systems of law in the UK , where s 27(2) ( b ) does not apply , and the parties have chosen a foreign proper law for a genuine reason other than evasion of the UCTA ( eg because the other party was a foreigner who insisted on using the law of his own jurisdiction as the governing law of the contract ) .
16 What had gone awry , that he should have been led to this pass , and even now he felt himself following , perforce , the twists of his fortune , headlong as a fall , when he should have been steering his own course and bearing them strongly with him ?
17 He said the entrance should not have been in the centre , but a little door should have been built at one side .
18 In view of the new wording of Condition 2 the claimant must produce , if loss or damage is sustained while in the care of an airline , a Property Irregularity Report , a copy of the formal written notice to the airline which should have been written within three days of loss or damage and all travel tickets and tags .
19 Many programmers realized that they had been programming things that should never have been taught at all , or that should have been taught by some other method or combination of methods .
20 Had he not done so I could not have gone to Eton , and should have been deprived of one of the most formative influences in my life .
21 But where the defect or fault should have been detected during normal maintenance , this would not constitute a defence and there would probably be an offence under the appropriate Construction and Use Regulations .
22 But for your lordship 's visit I should have been gone before this . ’
23 It does not even follow that the research base should have been developed in any institution of higher education .
24 The improvements to estates should have been completed in five years when the HATs will be wound up and the houses disposed of to new landlords who could be the local council , a private individual or company , a housing association or a co-operative .
25 A brick should have been wrapped in that paper and then inserted well up Chamberlain 's fundamental orifice .
26 How much time should have been allocated to that job/ activity ?
27 Their secretary , Bernard Halford , said last night : ‘ All the loose ends should have been settled within 48 hours . ’
28 Really , they should have been equipped with special badges : ‘ Kiss Me , I 'm a C2 ’ .
29 They claimed a report advising against fighting a costly appeal with the electricity giant should have been discussed in closed session .
30 Under the complaints procedure action should have been taken within 20 working days .
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