Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] for a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 SOME disabled people may qualify for a new parking facility which means they could always reserve a space outside their home .
2 Other types of work may qualify for a discretionary grant , which means it is up to the council whether you get a grant .
3 The real problem is that , because of the infighting between various entrenched interests , the Scottish Office may opt for a quiet life and the status quo .
4 Then the algorithm may opt for a particular child C on the basis of the gradient of f at N , but the gradient is misleading and in fact f ( C ) is much less then f(N) .
5 Without doubt the two best Cup teams in the country have reached Twickenham this season and it should make for a superb final .
6 50 races … solos and sidecars … should make for a thrilling showdown .
7 The alliance should prepare for a conventional war lasting no more than a few days .
8 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
9 The chute will be replaced but the swings must wait for a future allocation of money .
10 Older men are usually polygynous ; thus a youth rarely has available for marriage an age-mate female , and he must wait for a younger generation of females to mature before cohabitation with them .
11 If you are taking the patient out frequently , and rely on the car as his necessary transport , you should qualify for a disabled permit to park in restricted areas .
12 If you should divorce for a second time , you can claim on your second husband 's contribution record only .
13 Where solicitors want a " consent order " , provided it does not relate to a possession order of residential premises , and is not for an order in matrimonial proceedings , the Court staff can now sign it , which should provide for a quicker return ; it must be clear from the face of the order that it is " by consent " .
14 You will then realise why you must plan for a specific distance .
15 Debate focused on the question of whether the Meiji Restoration was a bourgeois revolution , albeit with remnants of feudalism persisting , in which case activists should work for a proletarian revolution ; or whether it was an incomplete bourgeois revolution , necessitating a two-stage revolution in the future .
16 Or they must work for a particular employer ( eg a local council ) , or in a similar trade or occupation ( eg taxidrivers , the police ) .
17 However , the Government was persuaded by us and others that the company should apply for a new licence .
18 You should apply for a provisional licence for the categories of vehicles you want to drive ( if you have not already passed a driving test for these categories ) .
19 All students who have become temporary residents in Northern Ireland and have been accepted at the University should apply for a Medical Card through the University Health Centre .
20 ‘ Yes , I am ; and this should call for a little celebration . ’
21 W/Cpl Burns informs the Volkspoliqei that their request is outside the terms of the Agreement , and that if they want any details they must call for a Soviet officer , to whom the information will be given .
22 State House already houses a recruiting office for the Royal Navy and Marines , and visitors must apply for a temporary security pass at the ground floor entrance .
23 In Europe , said Mr Smith , Labour must stand for a positive partnership and active participation in the Community as the best means to secure the most benefit for Britain .
24 The Spanish think the Community should aim for a common defence policy .
25 Well they had er , they had all that this morning , they should go for a little while .
26 He then embarked on a long tirade about the tactics we should adopt for a forthcoming game with an Army side .
27 But we must allow for a certain amount of give and take .
28 Yet authentic conversation and involvement must allow for a full range of likes and dislikes to be expressed , and also for criticism as well as acknowledgement , but we need to do this in such a way that we do as little damage as possible to other people as people .
29 But ‘ real ’ memory must last for a longer time than such short-term effects as habituation and sensitization , and must show greater specificity .
30 The bomb-shell exploded when it added that those sixty-six coupons must last for a whole year .
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