Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] to be [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 there may need to be a separate contract dealing with specific services .
2 Training may need to be a continuous activity , with periodic updating sessions and refresher courses , especially if the firm is involved in new product development or if technology is changing rapidly .
3 There may need to be a large number of meetings and discussions between the consultant and the client even after the candidate is appointed to ensure that things are running smoothly .
4 If the sale of Target will generate an allowable loss there may need to be an intra-group transfer of beneficial ownership of Target before the management buy-out , so that the loss can be utilised by a group company which will , in the same accounting period , realise gains from the the disposal of other assets .
5 The essay should seek to be an objective discussion ; references to " I " do not lead to that impression .
6 Putting one 's self in Stalin 's shoes , the present period of indecision must appear to be an opportune moment for him to step into the arena to suggest to Japan that she should make peace with the Kremlin and with Peking .
7 It appears reasonable to claim that a man without the capacity to put himself in another 's place could not understand a moral appeal ( even if he should happen to be a law-abiding man who accepts commands and prohibitions on external authority ) , just as someone incapable of shifting temporal viewpoints could not understand an appeal to his future interests .
8 To assert those alternatives and to insist upon them we mean that a designer should cease to be the industrial Eichmann of a large corporation .
9 Tony Dorigo must cease to be a non-playing member of the squad , Paul Gascoigne to be an unsolved riddle .
10 Still , I do not wish in what follows to forego the support of what must seem to be the good sense of our natural empiricism , which is independent of philosophy .
11 The immediate product of the study will be a state-of-the-art essay describing existing bibliographic sources and data-bases ; this should prove to be a valuable research tool both within Africa and in the rest of the world .
12 The hour of death and mode of dying , however brief and fragmentary in relation to eternity , thus acquired a fateful significance — fateful indeed , if the death of an unrepentant sinner should prove to be the broad gateway to everlasting torment .
13 If a DTI Education and Enterprise Adviser is in post locally , he or she should prove to be an invaluable partner in making Compact work .
14 ‘ Well — that should prove to be an interesting surprise for all , ’ he snorted as he left the table .
15 Of course , the countryside must continue to be a working landscape ; but if most people 's definition of a river as something more than just a drain is valid , then that broad definition must be consciously built into the brief of those who wield this mighty technology of the JCB , the Hymac , and the Swamp-dozer .
16 As the Chairman , Pat Retief in his Annual Chairman 's Review says , ‘ we must continue to be a profitable company if we are to be a good employer in the fullest sense , capable of maintaining and enhancing our portfolio of assets and maximising the development of the Group 's human resources .
17 Magnus Magnusson , the SNH chairman , said local government had been and must continue to be an important partner of the agency .
18 However , at the centre of the understanding must lie an awareness that schools and colleges have always been in the business of change , created by responding to the needs of individual children and students and that the child at school or the student at college must continue to be the central focus of all educational activity .
19 Instead there comes the realisation , surely necessary all over the world , that every African , whatever else he is , is also a food producer and must learn to be an efficient one .
20 Small consultancy operators and free-lancers dart in and out , bringing a highly personalized service and offering what may appear to be a cheap rate for the job .
21 There is some role conflict when the librarian educated in a tradition of user-helping and support finds a situation calling for regulation ( even law enforcement ) that may appear to be a negative role .
22 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
23 However , given that people 's personal valuation of environmental qualities ( such as the open countryside ) has tended to increase in proportion to the degree to which they are degraded through development , it is reasonable to assume that what may appear to be a net benefit to the present generation in a trade-off between the environment and a proposed development , is quite likely to be considered a net loss in retrospect by a future generation for whom the natural environment has become a more precious commodity .
24 At first sight , this may appear to be a poor performance but it is in fact over twice as frequent as a random selection ( which for this data would be 32.7% of cases ) .
25 Reasons of space alone demand that what may appear to be a contentious response to this question be suggested , rather than developed .
26 So , for example , Bitstream 's Dutch may appear to be a perfect match for Linotype 's Times at 300dpi but when they are output at a typesetter 's resolution the minute differences will be more exaggerated .
27 What seems to you to be a very minor regulation may appear to be a major infringement of liberty to another .
28 They were excused few , if any , tasks , Hannah may appear to be a frail pensioner but a lifetime 's exposure to the hard labour of rural life enables her to endure the most extreme elements far better than urban-reared people half her age .
29 Hence at balance Although at first sight this may appear to be a single balance condition , in order to be satisfied , the real and imaginary parts of the two sides of the equation must be separately equal so that it is in fact a double balance condition as anticipated .
30 Whilst desktop publishing at the low-end of the market may appear to be a careful juggling match between cost and quality of output , as indeed it is , the real determining factor about the suitability of the products is whether they actually provide some benefit that could not be achieved by other means .
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