Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] in [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The nature of the problem can be illustrated by giving a few examples of the types of conflict that may arise in a financial conglomerate .
2 Perhaps an immunologically vulnerable subset of inflammatory bowel disease patients , Crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis alike , are prone to develop refractory pouchitis under the influence of certain mechanical , vascular , bacteriological or biochemical factors , or all four that may arise in an ileal reservoir .
3 Classes may arise in the following way .
4 The hon. Member for Garscadden said last week that he finds it incomprehensible that many properties may stay in the same band in perpetuity .
5 There is an immense difference between the political systems of fascism and of liberal democracy , either of which may exist in a capitalist society ; and no one can doubt that the history of the world would have been very different if the fascist powers had been victorious in the Second World War .
6 A few precautions are advisable to eliminate any risk that may exist in a domestic situation .
7 Spring can be wet , especially in the Basque country , and snow may fall in the high mountains even in July .
8 Also , the opponent may fall in an unexpected direction , so that you have to spin around and perhaps take a step to reach him .
9 The findings show that EATCL may behave in an indolent fashion and masquerade as coeliac disease , delaying the correct diagnosis .
10 We have noted that , given a certain type of search space , the A* algorithm may behave in the same way as breadth-first search , since the latter is a special case of the former .
11 However , the Bank may buy in a falling market if the market is considered to be erratic and unstable .
12 The paint may blister in a mild attack or show yellow soapy runs in a severe attack .
13 Before considering the automatic directions , it is as well to remember that ( although they will be sufficient in most instances ) they are only the bare bones of the directions the parties may need in a personal injury case , and do not prevent the parties seeking any further directions they may need under Ord 25 whether set out in PF51 or not .
14 He says they ought to jump in the nearest river !
15 So far as Dicey was concerned Parliamentary sovereignty was ‘ a legal fact ’ and his purpose was to demonstrate that ‘ Parliament does constitute such a supreme legislative authority or sovereign power as , according to Austin and other jurists , must exist in every civilised state . ’
16 Mapped user names must exist in the relational database prior to the operation of LIFESPAN RDBI .
17 For such content to exist in the aesthetic realm , modern life must exist in the social realm .
18 I recall that my right hon. Friend and I campaigned together on the same side in favour of a ’ yes ’ vote in the 1975 referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Community .
19 They believe it essential that farmers should remain in the far north , however uneconomic their agriculture , lest half the country become depopulated .
20 reaffirmed the high landscape value of the appeal site and its determination that it should remain in the Green Belt .
21 The delight you must experience in the constant change of scene and the daily occurrences of so many objects of the highest interest is beyond our conception …
22 Then the masses of the W and Z particles should relate in a precise way according to the electro-weak theory .
23 To be consistent with the procedure of Section 6.2 , we must pivot in a critical column .
24 This will be beneficial in the long run , but the EC must assist in the transitional period .
25 It is part of our collective political morality that such compromises are wrong , that the community as a whole and not just individual officials one by one must act in a principled way .
26 He is a representative who must act in the best interests of all his constituents .
27 In F v West Berkshire Health Authority [ 1989 ] 2 All ER 545 , Lord Goff stated : where the state of affairs is permanent or semi-permanent , as … in the case of a mentally disordered person … there is no point in waiting to obtain the patient 's consent … the doctor must act in the best interests of his patient , just as if he had received his patient 's consent so to do … the lawfulness of the doctor 's action is to be found in the principle of necessity … the doctor must act in accordance with a responsible and competent body of relevant professional opinion … it may be good practice to consult relatives and others who are concerned with the care of the patient .
28 Where the employee is working on the employer 's premises , the employer must act in the same manner as a reasonably prudent employer .
29 A well cut , classic blazer is an investment in style that should hang in every well-dressed man 's wardrobe .
30 The issue between radical patriots and conservatives centred on whether the privileged estates should preserve the separate representation they had enjoyed as ‘ arms ’ of the medieval Cortes , or whether all should merge in a general congress .
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