Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] from [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively the dynamic wealth terms may arise from either the absence of a full interdependent model which would permit disequilibrium in one asset to spill over into other assets or from some otherwise omitted dynamic effects arising from the use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure .
2 The extra noise was the same whichever direction the detector was pointed , so it must come from outside the atmosphere .
3 On telephoning the surgery , I discovered that before a cremation can take place the death certificate has to be signed by two doctors — one of whom must come from outside the area .
4 But , when nothing she could do from inside the car would make it go again , she began to realise in her non-mechanical mind that she had something of a problem on her hands .
5 It gave a clear hint that the threat could come from either the public or the private sectors , and it set out a number of principles for handling personal information which , as the Younger Principles , have become famous ; they survive in recognisable form in the Schedule of the Data Protection Act of 1984 , where they assume an unusual importance .
6 What difference did it make to your work that you 'd come from outside the television industry ?
7 You can choose from either the Alaska pink or red salmon : both are equally nutritious , but the pink salmon is more economical than the red .
8 You can see from here the statue of Roland of Bruncvík , a 19C copy by L. Šimek of an earlier statue .
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