Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] to be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To assert those alternatives and to insist upon them we mean that a designer should cease to be the industrial Eichmann of a large corporation .
2 Still , I do not wish in what follows to forego the support of what must seem to be the good sense of our natural empiricism , which is independent of philosophy .
3 The hour of death and mode of dying , however brief and fragmentary in relation to eternity , thus acquired a fateful significance — fateful indeed , if the death of an unrepentant sinner should prove to be the broad gateway to everlasting torment .
4 However , at the centre of the understanding must lie an awareness that schools and colleges have always been in the business of change , created by responding to the needs of individual children and students and that the child at school or the student at college must continue to be the central focus of all educational activity .
5 This might appear to be the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the colony , but all the bees in the colony are genetically related .
6 This aspect of the story has shocking implications as a representative of what might appear to be the random and unjust way by which salvation may be achieved — although St Peter always wins .
7 Very often such a team will achieve the unachievable and will overcome even the problem of what , in hindsight , might appear to be the wrong strategic direction .
8 This internal seniority structure and pattern of mobility might seem to be the sole mechanism underlying the making and breaking of gangs .
9 It could n't happen anyway , in the next financial year , it 'd have to be the following financial year .
10 It was the Europeans who cultivated fish that may have satisfied culinary requirements , but at the expense of what some would consider to be the aesthetic qualities of a ‘ typical ’ carp .
11 A plectrum helps with accuracy , also adding attack and brightness to the sound , so as such it would appear to be the required compromise .
12 Yet , now more than ever , force would appear to be the only way of ousting the general , and Syria alone capable of supplying it .
13 Given a dichotomous division between sensing and thinking this would appear to be the only option open to him .
14 Despite the absence of any traces of body or coffin ( apart from some nails in the fill ) in the central pit , the whole monument would appear to be the probable grave — or cenotaph — of an important official which was erected sometime around the middle of the second century .
15 The Sanskrit word ‘ Jnana ’ would appear to be the correct spelling for the female aspect and would comply with the understanding of the function of the Wandjina .
16 The clue to the plenitude of oxygen in the Earth s atmosphere would appear to be the respiratory activities of the lowest and earliest forms of terrestrial life .
17 The reason for the last value is not clear , although since the spotted eagle owl also has the lowest value for average relative abundance , and since there is a positive relationship between them , the loss of distal elements would appear to be the main cause of reduced overall relative abundance .
18 At the same time , he said , it was clear the European Community — another institution from which Mrs Thatcher had ‘ absented ’ herself — would have to be the chief forum by which the West would help the East .
19 It would have to be the front door .
20 It would have to be the right length as he was n't giving Lee the cutters again .
21 Indeed if one were obliged to single out Italy 's basic contribution to the expressive vocabulary of Western music it would have to be the warm sensuous cantilena generated by her speech .
22 He had a dreadful feeling that the next step would have to be the old-age pensioners .
23 Since motorways fit this same description they would seem to be the perfect location .
24 Material equality and diffused power would seem to be the ultimate defence against bureaucratic domination .
25 The main election battleground now would seem to be the political interviews on television .
26 The principle disadvantage would seem to be the possible laziness of climbers to replace the sewn sling .
27 This would seem to be the general conclusion of research in this area , and Cumin 's conclusion that :
28 a short trunk route between two major conurbations , electrification already in place at either end , that would seem to be the absolute classic next stage .
29 The penultimate story of the series ( 20.2–1 3 ) would seem to be the only one to break the pattern .
30 The Liberals , although the smallest of the three parties , would seem to be the only party whose programme had not been rejected by the electors ; and , as the only party which could co-operate with either of the other two , it would seem to have been put in a particularly strong position by the result of the election .
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