Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] you [verb] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 And I 've got something to tell you which may make you feel the same way about me . "
2 Listening to a balanced , impartial opinion , even if it contains an element of constructive criticism of certain aspects of your work , should help you to make the most of your potential .
3 I thought that if I made you realise how strongly I felt you might decide you feel the same . ’
4 And for his safety and yours an' all , I would suggest you do the latter , and quickly . ’
5 Brian and Brenda Thompson , who previously ran a restaurant , are cheery and friendly and will help you make the most of your stay .
6 Charming and friendly , she will help you make the most of your visit .
7 Fluently bilingual they will help you make the most of your holiday .
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